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The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like orange juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun. Silhouettes of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta, and the sun was half into the water, but its reflection in the sea made it look almost complete. The mauve of the dusky sky intensified, and after just a while, the biggest star had set, giving way to a thousand others.

Daniel watched the sea, lost in the rhythmic percussion of waves on sand. His eyes were steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars. His lips bore the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he was enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be. Hyerin stared up at his face, so that he felt her presence, yet stayed quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment a while longer.

Little did Hyerin knew, he was so preoccupied with fretting over her. Little did she know that he was keeping mum the whole time because he was debating with himself on how life would be with her sudden departure from his life. The truth was that he felt intimidated even by the thought of it, he dreaded the arrival of this greatest fear. The thought of it made him shiver, yet the thought of it also made it so hard for him to impede his fears like he had always done.

It's funny how fate likes to tease people whenever they finally found the happiness to sustain themselves. It's amusing how fate comes knocking on your door one day, but leaves without a trace the next. It's capricious how many do not trust fate, yet there are things that are absolutely out of reach and control no matter how hard you hold on and work hard. And most importantly, Daniel was aware that fate was undeniable.

The two of them were by the beach, after Hyerin's persistent buggings for him to bring her out for a date after a period of time. It was quiet, just the two of them. Lost in a world of their own, it seemed that time had paused for a moment, just enough for them to finish what they had planned to do before the dark sky covered over the sun like a blanket. It was only after minutes, where Hyerin tore her gaze away from him, looking at the sky. She exclaimed at the stars that twinkled, more than any other day.

The stars look extremely beautiful tonight.

"Daniel... "

Hyerin spoke up as she reached to the back of her neck, unclasping the silver chain as she took the necklace off. Taking Daniel's hands, she spread his palms out, and placed the silver chain in the middle, before wrapping his hands around hers. Daniel could feel the cold metal against his lukewarm skin, it somehow stung his heart knowing that something was wrong.

This was wrong. Hyerin was clear that this was wrong. Everything was wrong, fate was wrong. Mischievously, fate played a trick on the two of them just when they seemed like the happiest in the world. Indubitably, Hyerin finally understood what it meant by good times must come to an end, and good times do not last.

" Give this to another girl, who will walk with you till the end. "

Hyerin spoke up, her voice shaking. Her bottom lip quivered as her hazel eyes became glacier blue under the sheen of water, constant, yet allowing the tears to flow without pause. She reached out to caress his forehead, trailing her fingers down the side of his face, stopping at his cheeks as she brushed her fingers against them tenderly.

" Hyeri-"

Daniel protested, but stopped as soon as his eyes met with her lonesome ones. Her drooping eyes ripped his heart, it was an indescribable feeling. For a moment, he was so lost in her eyes. If only he knew, the reflection in her glassy eyes was her universe. 

" Thank you for being the sun that shined on my life. The very reason that I was able to embrace my destiny- "

Hyerin paused as she let out a small cough.

" thank you for being here for me. "

Daniel fought to hold his tears back, despite the stinging sensation in his nose, his eyes brimming with tears. The urge to let it all out was overwhelming, but he still barely managed to contain his feelings. He didn't want her to feel guilty. Daniel moved his hands up, meeting with hers as he clasped his fingers around her petite ones, leaning down as he gave her one, last kiss.

" I won't let you go, please don't let me go as well. Remember that time you asked if I will ever forget you? I can answer that without hesitation, confidently, I will never forget you. Never. "

Daniel begged as tears crept out of his eyes silently, without notice.

" Daniel, do you remember the time you asked me to wait for you? I'm sorry, sorry for leaving you first. "

Hyerin mumbled breathlessly, another tear rolled down her cheeks. Then, she started coughing violently. The sight of her suffering alone made Daniel feel so guilty.

+ Hyerin's POV

Every moment with you shined, it sparkled. Thank you, for being the reason for my smiles, my frowns, my tears, and my laugh. All my life, I feared death, suppressed dealing with the notion, never ready to depart. Always for me, there would be tomorrow and the day after, but just not this time. If death has finally decided that I had enjoyed enough, then I must go. Cold tendrils embraced me like a lover, my vision fading

" the angels are calling. "

I whispered. I could feel Daniel shaking, caressing my face as his finger trembled. With his lukewarm tears landing on our hands, I felt myself splitting apart. This is not how our fairy-tale like relation should end. But the reality is harsh, the female protagonist has to leave the world, and the male protagonist grieves over his loss, all alone. Fairy tales don't promise a happy ending, but at least the female and male protagonists are in love even until the last scene. We do have a happy ending, but it is a shame and our destiny that we do not have the happiest ending.

" forget me. "

A final breath left my pale lips, my eyelids capping down, and a single, last tear leaving my eyes, the darkness consumed me. I felt nothing. There was no emotion, no heavyweight upon my shoulders; just relief. I felt whole as if I had found a piece of the puzzle I hadn't realised I needed. From the moment you appeared in front of me, I found the answer I've been searching for the whole time -

We did love after all.

I love you, Kang Daniel.

aaaand this is the end of downpour (((:
Thank y'all for all the votes and support! They mean so much to me ♥🙂
Sorry for making the female protagonist die tho HAHA

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