Chapter 6

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Nick's POV

So we really at dinner with my 5 siblings. Who each brought a date. Sophia hugs me for like 10 minutes when she sees me and I found it quite strange to wrap my head around the fact that my family was so happy to see me. Since the minute I was adopted I basicaly put them through hell.

"Who are we waiting for?" Alex asks. "Mason and Naomi." He answers his own question as he sits down next to Desi. "What is up guys?" He asks.

"I'm no longer a New Yorker. Im from Seattle."

"His attitude appeared like 10 times bigger there." Desi tells them and I roll my eyes. "We got that crazy attitude over here." Alex says.

"Here we are guys." Mason says sitting down. "So late." Sophia says as she sat next to Daniel. He still looks like a goof. Glasses, sat there saying nothing. I think he was shy or some shit.

"We was at the hospital." He says. "CJ is in. He got shot."

"Oh shit. Is he alive?" Sam asks. The twins were the only ones who chilled with the guys. "Yeah. He's fine."

"Ah poor Alex. You still got commitment issues?" Mason says as he looks at him and we all laugh. "Its a real thing you know!" Alex says.

"Alexander had a girlfriend called Alexandra once." Sam tells everyone.

"Is this a make fun of Alex dinner or?" Alex sighs and we all just laugh. I look at Desi who was laughing too. She was kind of quiet. I wonder what it was. It was Mona. I realised because Mona sat in silence too. Slightly weird but oh well, whatever made Sam happy.

"So did you guys tell them yet?" Sam asks looking at Desi and I.

"Tell us what?" Alex asks. Desi looks at me and I chuckle. She didn't have to say much really her bump spoke for it self. Desi clears her throat getting up fixing her dress.

"No way." Sophia screams. "Oh my God!"

"Thats why you guys left!" Alex says hugging Desi. I hope this was the last time I was receiving this many hugs. It made uncomfortable and unlike normal people I was not sure how to react to it.

"Lets have champagne! Well not you." Alex says as we laugh and Desi sits down rolling her eyes. I notice Mona walking away from the table and Sam's gaze following her. What was her problem.

"How far along are you?" Alex asks.

"I cannot believe you didnt tell me." Tamara says. I think in her head, Desi and her were much closer than they actually were. I haven't seen Desi getting close to anyone since Kammy's death.

"6 months almost. A week away."

"So you know the gender of the baby?"

"Actually we thought we just didn't want to know. It would be a surprise."

"Really? You guys are funny. I want to know!" Sophia says.

"We'll get it in an envelope and get like that balloon popping thing." Desi says. "Gender reveal party."

"That be so cool." Sophia says. "Oh my God- cannot wait to organise those." Tamara says and Desi just laughs.

"So hows pregnancy getting along?" Sophia

"I'm just tired. No more morning sickness. Thank God."

"That was the worst. You loose a lot of weight though. Now you start the cannot fit into anything faze."

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