Chapter 2

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---Mabel's POV---
It's so late. Where is he? He's never gone for this long. Maybe Dipper has left for good. I was so tired. My eyelids were getting droopy. "He'll come back." I mutter to myself. Then everything went black.
---Dipper's POV---
I gasped awake. It was just a dream. I'm fine. After I calmed down I checked the time. 7:34 PM.
"Aw, crap! It so late. I'm so dead when I get back." I raced home and found Mabel asleep on the porch. Aw, Mabel. You'll catch a cold out here. I somehow manage to get her on my back and carry her up the stairs. I gentle place her on her bed. She mumbled out, "Dipper you doofus." I was taken back by her words. Is that what she thinks of me?
I just want to know the truth. What do the people I care about most think of me?
---???? POV---
Aw, little Pinetree. So confused. Perfect. Now's my time to make my move.
---Dipper POV---
Yawning I fell back onto my bed. So tired. Mattress comfy. Was all my brain could process. I fell asleep quickly.
Everything was grey. I was the only colorful thing. This feels so familiar. Wait. Monotone room. Me being the only colorful thing. It hit me like a truck.
"Bill where are you!" I shouted. His demoniacal laughter filled the air. He then appeared before me. In human form.
He was tall, had blond hair with the sides except for the top were a dark brown. He was in a yellow suit and had his infamous cane, top hat, and bow tie. His wore a triangular eye patch on his left eye. He was handsome.
"What do you want Bill?"
"I want to make you a deal."
"What!? No!"
"You haven't even heard what I was going to offer, yet!" Curiosity got the better of me.
"Fine! What do you want? I swear, this better not be another trick like the last time."
"Oh, no it's nothing like that. All I want is for you to do one little spell for me. In exchange for anything you want."
"I want you to die!" I yell.
"Pinetree, you're better then that. Come on. Anything. Maybe the truth about something. Or an always screaming head. I know how about what the laptop's password was." He smiled amused with himself.
"The truth. I want to see the truth. About what my family and friends think of me." I finally said.
"Excellent but, first I want you to do the spell. Then I'll show you the truth."
I pondered about this. Was I really going to do this. The image of Mabel and my family and friends. Flash through my mind. I reached out my hand and shook Bill's. The blue fire sealing the deal.

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