Chapter 14

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---Dipper's POV---
"Brother Ben you stand before me today because I have questions to ask you. I expect full answers that are the truth. Otherwise I'll assume you're the traitor." Blind Ivan commanded.
"I will always answer with the complete truth for you, Leader."
"Then let us begin,"
---Time skip---
Leader questioned 14 people in 8 hours. I felt bored and useless here. Blind Ivan was probably using my presence to scare them. How cruel.
Hey Mister?
What's your name?
It's Bill. Bill Cipher.
Your name is Bill Bill Cipher?
What!? No. No. And no. My name is Bill Cipher.
Oh, my bad.
"Dipper, is this man telling the truth?"
I heard footsteps shuffle in.
"Brother Jasper you stand before me today because I have questions to ask you. I expect full answers that are the truth. Otherwise I'll assume you're the traitor."
"Yes, Leader Blind Ivan."
"Where were you three days ago."
"I was taking a walk in the woods. As I was walking I came across two mysteries creatures and followed them. I never meant to lose track of time but, it happened and I came back here as quickly as I could." I felt a small buzz. He is answering in partially truth.
"Dipper is this man saying the truth?"
"Yes and no."
"Explain Dipper."
"He is answering in partially truth."
"Jasper, I want the full truth. The fact that you have been the only person to try and lie. It means that you're the traitor that I saw talking to the two old men. Guards, take him to get his whole mind erased."
"Dipper! They're coming for you!" Was all the man managed to shout out before he was gone.

---Ford's POV---(Day 5 since Dipper's kidnapping)

"So, Jasper where are they holding our great nephew. He is a little boy with brunette hair and gray eyes because he's blind." I question.
"What your related to that poor boy?" He looked so sad.
"Yes, now where are you keeping him?" I pressure.
"That poor kid. He's been through so much. I'll help you. I'll help you get in. That boy needs to be saved from us and soon."
"Thank you. Question though. Why do you say soon? I agree but, why you?"
"Because the Society of the Blind Eye gives a blood sacrifice every full moon. They have chosen to use Dipper's power until the sacrifice. The full moon that's coming up is when he's going to die."
Stan muttered curse words.
"Alright. We have to know the pathway to take to get to the cave and then back out. We need to know where they're keeping Dipper."
"I'll draw you a map for the correct pathway and how to get to Dipper's cell. There might be a problem though if Leader Blind Ivan is using him during the time when you come to rescue him." Jasper began illustrating a map for us. Once he was done and explained it to us he said,
"I have to go back. I need to. Otherwise Leader Blind Ivan will get suspicious. Do you want me to give a message to Dipper though?"
"Yes, tell him we're coming." He nodded and walked out of the shack.
"Stan we have two days to prepare for this. Not a day more." He nodded.
"I'm coming too!" Mabel shouted and appeared from her hiding spot. I was about to say no but, Stan cut in.
"Mabel, you can go or you can stay. No one is going to judge you either way."
"Then I want to go. Please I have to save him because I failed the last time. I can't fail him again."
"Alright Pumpkin you can go."
---Time skip--- (2 days later)
We were walking through the woods. Quietly and barely breathing and we walked the mapped path. It could be a trap and we all knew it. Slowly we made it through without a hitch. We entered the cave and stuck close to the walls. We're coming Dipper.

We made it to the dungeons. Narrowly escaping a few guards. We walked down the hallway and made it to the last cell. I opened the door and we went in.
"Dipper?" I whispered. I saw him hunched over in the corner.
"Dipper, come on we have to go." Stan called.
"Dip' in 'Dots. C-come on."
Stan and I moved closer to him.
"Dipper please we have to go. Come on get on Stan's back."
I extended my hand and touched his shoulder.
He turned around and pointed a memory erasing gun at me.

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