Chapter 10

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---Mabel's POV--- (before kidnapping)
"Hey Gruncle Stan," I called out to him through a closed door. Apparently the shoplifter took more than one thing. The loud pounding noise came to a halt.
"Yes Pumpkin?" The door opened a crack.
"Do you know where Dipper is?"
"Last I saw he went into the store. Ask Wendy she might know."
"Thanks Gruncle Stan." I walked away and into the shop. Wendy was at the register. Reading her Avoid Eye Contact Monthly.
"Hey Wendy have you seen Dipper?"
"Oh, yeah I just walked him outside a few minutes ago. I came back in because Soos took watching the register to literally and crashed into a costumer. That started a whole other chain of events."
"Thanks Wendy." I stepped outside and looked around for Dipper. Found him. He was standing to the side of the road where all the tour buses enter and exit from. It's was late in the afternoon so a tour would be coming soon. I could hear them off in the distance.
"Hey Dipper!" I shouted. I noticed the bushes were rattling. Weird.
Then things were jumping out from the bushes. They were men in red robes with hoods that covered their eyes. They a single eye with a "x" slashed through it. What's going on? They were grabbing Dipper!
"Dipper! DIPPER! I'm coming hold on!" I raced across the parking lot. The tour buses were pulling in. A bus turned and blocked my view of Dipper. I raced faster but, it wasn't enough. By the time the buses moved they were gone. Dipper was gone. Again.
I fell to the ground crying. Gruncle Stan and Ford came out of the shop but it was too late. Both of them were asking me what's wrong. Between sobs I gasp out.
Their concern turned to anger in a second.
Gruncle Ford asked me, "Did you see who took him?"
I nodded.
Gruncle Stan was muttering curse words and saying how Dipper didn't deserve this.
Gruncle Ford kneeled down next to me and placed his hands on my shoulders.
"Mabel describe who took your brother to me."
"Shit. The Society of the Blind Eye."
"Ford," Gruncle Stan turned towards him, "Do you know who the people that took Dipper are?"
"McGucket was my old partner. He was a genius that built computers and laptops. He was the first to go through the portal but, it was by mistake. When I managed to pull him out he. He wasn't the same. He wanted to forget. I later on found out that he created a memory erasing gun and a society was formed. How could they have found out about Dipper? Stanley you don't think they over heard us talking?" Gruncle Stan dragged a hand across his face.
Overheard them talking? Talking about what?
"What...are you...guys t-talking...about now?" I said calming down a bit.
They both looked at each other. Gruncle Stan nodded and Ford nodded back.
"Mabel, you haven't been told the entire truth on what happened to your brother."
"What do you mean?"
"Dipper was tricked into a deal with Bill. Bill took away his ability to see but, gave him the sense to tell if someone is lying. He also showed him the partial truth on what we all thought of him. Lucky what Dipper had to do wasn't that bad. I was talking to Stan about what actually happened to Dipper and we think that one of the Society members must have heard us. Then waited to see Dipper and then report it."
Dipper lied to me. Dipper lying to anyone else is fine, but to me?
"Why would Dipper keep this from me?"
"For two reasons. One because I told him not to and two because he didn't want you to make a deal with Bill."
I was taken back by what he said because I knew that it was the complete truth. Dipper knew that the second I found out about this I would have made a deal. He knows me so well. If only it were the other way around too.

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