Chapter 9

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---Dipper's POV---
Instead of sleeping in the room Mabel and I shared last summer I spelt in the break room. We got settled and I heard Gruncle Stan start calling my name.
"Dipper! Can you come here for a second. I need your help." What could he need my help for?
"Uh, yeah coming." I used my cane to navigate my way to Gruncle Stan. He met me halfway though. He whispered to me,
"Dipper, I know about your deal." I flinched but remained silent. He continued talking,
"I always know you can tell if someone is lying. Which reminds me next time I go out I'm taking you with me. You'll be great at playing the game, Bullshit. Right now though, I need you to tell me if this costumer is lying. He says he didn't steal anything but, I don't believe him."
I was taken back. Gruncle Stan wanted to use my new sense to tell if someone is shoplifting. Why am I surprised? This is Gruncle Stan after all.
"Yeah, sure. I can do that. It's better than doing nothing."
"You're a good kid. Now come on, Soos is watching the perp. You know Soos he can get...distracted easily." I felt his arms pick me up and he was off running.
"Ahh! Gr-gruncle S-stan w-what's g-going o-on?" I manage to gasp out.
"Sorry kid but, I can't have someone leave my store without paying handsomely. I also didn't want you to walk into something. We're here." He stopped running and set me down. He was talking to Soos congratulating him for not letting the shoplifter get away. Soos said hi to me before he left. I was focusing on my breathing though. Are you hurt? No. Then I'm fine. Are you hungry? No. Then I'm fine. Why I am reacting like this? I'm fine. Right?

You sure look fine. A sarcastic voice remarked.

Who said that?

You've forgotten about me already? I'm hurt. I was the last thing you saw. You'd think that would make me rememberable. He scoffed.


You guessed it! So you didn't forget me. Yay!

What do you want!? Why are you in my head? You know what, I don't care. Leave me alone.

Oh, but Pine tree I thought that our deal has made us closer. Plus I thought you and I have some common ground.

As if. You and I have nothing in common.

Really? I thought you'd like to talk to someone who was once blind as well. Well, maybe some other time.

He sounded sad. Why?

"Hey Dipper!" Gruncle Stan was shaking me.
"Ah, yeah."
"Geez kid I've been trying to get your attention for a full minute. All right time to talk to him."

I was directed by Stan and I think I stood before him when he stopped pushing me.
"Really? A kid? That's how you'll be able to tell if I'm lying. You're nuts!"
"I'm going to ask you once more and I expect an honest answer. Dipper tell me if he is telling the truth or lying."
"Have you or anyone else you know stolen or are stealing something from my shop?" Gruncle Stan asked. It was so specific it shocked me.
"No." The man breathed out. I felt that buzzing. That sensation.
"He's lying." I said to no one in particular.
"Thanks kid!" I heard what sounded like punching. I manage to find my way out of the room and into the store.
"Hey Dipper. It's Wendy talking in case you can't tell."
"H-hi Wendy." She caught me off guard. I need some fresh air.
"Wendy can you show me to way outside. I need some fresh air."
"Sure. Soos watch the register for me. I'll be right back."
"K, dawg." He replied. Wendy held my hand and led me outside. The fresh air was nice.
"Thank you Wendy."
"If you need anything else just ask." I heard a loud crash.
"I got to go, dude. See ya around." I heard her suck in a sharp breath.
"It's all right Wendy. I'll see you around."
I felt her ruffle my hair and I ducked out of her reach.

After a few minutes of silence I heard a voice faintly call out,
"Help me. I need help." I got up and started following the sound of the voice.
Kid, whatever you do. Don't go with them.
Shut up Bill.
I warned you. Remember that.
"Help me. I need help." The voice sounded closer now.
"Um, sir what do you need help with?"
"Now!" I heard bushes rustle. Hands grabbed me and a cloth was placed over my nose.
I tried to struggle and call out for help but, the sound of tour buses drowned my cries for help out. Then everything faded away.

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