Chapter 11

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---Dipper's POV---
Everything felt off. I couldn't tell if I was asleep or if I was awake. I felt dizzy from the drug. How long have I been here? When was the last time I've eaten?
I heard a long sigh across the room.
I'm not alone in this room, am I?
Nope! Bill laughed.
"W-who are you? Where am I? Take me back to the Mystery Shack!" I felt tears slid down my cheeks.
"Stop your babble boy! This is not a day care. You have been chosen by us. You will obey any command we give you. If you do not comply with us then you'll be punished. Severely. Do you understand?"
"I am not going to obey you! You fricking kidnapped me!"
Not a good idea Pine tree.
I felt something hit the side of my face. I was then pinned down. Big hands clamped down on my throat.
B-bill what's going on?
You're being choked. He casually said. Bored by the sound of it.
I was clawing at the hands wrapped around my throat.
The hands then let my throat go and I was coughing and gasping for air. The person was still on me though.
"Are you going to behave?" He asked.
Say yes. You'll behave. Say yes.
I shook my head no.
"Ah, it seems we have a fighter. A spirited one at that. We have to break him, pity it takes away from little time he has left." Another male voice called out.
"Yes, Leader Blind Ivan."
"Sam have your fun with the boy, but not too much we still need him. I'll give you...three whole days starting now. Then if he is still uncooperative I'll deal with it."
"Yes, thank you Leader Blind Ivan."
I heard footsteps echo down the hallway grow quieter and softer. Until they were gone.
"Let's have some fun." The anticipation in Sam's voice scared me. I tried to move away but, I was still underneath his weight.
"Aw, Dipper don't be like that. We're going to become close for the next few days." I heard a click then I felt the pain as the blade dragged along the right side of my ribs. It grew worse as he dragged the blade back up. Again and again and again. I thought I'd die from blood loss or at least pass out but, Sam used magic I think to heal me. Then do it over and over and over again. By the second day I stopped screaming and thrashing. Pain became the only feeling that I felt. I loved the sensation it gave my body. Sam stopped cutting me. I wanted more. I needed more.
"Now, Dipper, I want you to do something for me. I am giving you a knife. I want you to start cutting your wrist. Like this." He did the motion for my hands.
"I understand." I began cutting my wrist and working my way downwards.
Pine tree stop! You shouldn't be doing that! Please!
Who are you?
My name is Bill Cipher. You know this you've just forgotten. You've forgotten a lot of things.
I've forgotten? What have I forgotten?
I stopped cutting. I heard Sam sigh.
"I thought we made progress. Guess I was wrong." I felt something hot sear my skin and the smell of something burning filled the air. Not something. Me. I was being burned.
I flinched as the burning item started moving across my stomach.
What have I forgotten?
Tell you what. Make a deal with me. I'll show you all that you've forgotten in exchange I want you to trust me.
I don't want to remember. If I've forgotten it then it's because I don't want to remember it.
Ha, you've changed kid. Alright. Remember though my offer still stands.
---Time skip---(To day 3 Dipper's become full blown obedient and has forgotten his former self completely)

"Dipper I want you to do something for me." Blind Ivan spoke.
"Yes?" I arose from the cushion on the ground. My robe dragging behind me.
"Can you tell me if this woman is lying or telling the truth?"
"Yes, of course." With a snap of a fingers the doors were opened.
"P-please, I'm t-telling the truth." A female voice pleaded. It was a cry upon deaf ears and blind eyes.
"Tell us your story. The complete version."
"I was walking through the woods. I was searching for a supernatural creature."
"What creature?" One of the members yelled out.
"I-it was a fairy." I felt the sensation.
I lend down and whispered to Blind Ivan,
"That's a lie."
"Erase her memory. I've heard enough of her lies. Thank you Dipper. It's a pity that we've already voted for what's going to happen to you."
I flinched. What is going to happen to me? What's already happen to me?
Good question kid.

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