Chapter 4

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---Dipper's POV---
I was walking along side a little valley. It was a place between these two hills.
Where am I going to do this? It has to be well hidden. Not easy to find unless you know where you're going. I was lost in my thoughts because the next thing I know is pain. My foot must have tripped on something. I tumbled down the hill.
A boulder stopped my fall and I heard a sickening pop. I tried to sit up but failed miserably. Did I break my spine? I tried wiggling my toes in my shoes. My toes squirmed against the tightness of my shoes. Not broken probably bruised severely. As I checked for other injuries. I felt something wet on my right hand. I poked at it and hissed. "Ow! I must have cut it when I fell." I looked around. If I did it here you'd have to fall down the hill to see it. I guess this is as good as a place as any.
I reached in to my bag and pulled out the knife. I carved the symbol deep into the ground. I then threw the knife away. I made a fist with my right hand and blood trickled down onto the symbol. After a few minutes I started to get light headed but I filled in the figure.
"Now, Bill!" I shouted at the air. "It's time for you to fill your half of the bargain."
The figure glowed a bright light. I turned my head away from the brightness because it made my eyes sting. An ominous laugh started to come from the figure. Bill.
"Bill! Come out already! Why do you always have to make such a dramatic entrance?"
Bill appeared before me in human form.
"Yeesh, kid. Stop yelling. Did you miss me? Admit it you missed me."
"Bill fill your end of the deal."
"Right, right you want to see the truth."
He snapped his fingers and everything went black.
---Dipper seeing the truth---
I was surrounded by everyone I knew. My close friends and family formed the circle around me. There were rings of people all surrounding me. There was random people I met once or twice. There was even old teachers and classmates. I turned to Mabel.
"Mabel, what's going on?"
"I hate him sometimes. He's so serious and all he ever does is read and hunt monsters. I want a fun brother. Not this dweeb." With that everyone else started talking.
"He's a loser, a wimp, I just want to get rid of him."
"I've always know you had a crush on me. You're too young for me though."
"You're nothin' without that book of yours! Face it. You're not smart, not brave, you're nothing."
"Why can't you be more like Mabel."
"Ugh, you're just a scared little kid."
"Mabel's the fun and cool one. Dipper's so weird."
"He's a freak. No wonder he hides his birthmark. It's disgusting."
"What a loser!"

They kept yelling. I clutched my head, covering my ears. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop it! Make it stop! This isn't what I wanted.
Oh, yes it is. You wanted the truth.Now you've got it.
Please make it end.
Fine. You're such a baby.
---End of the Truth---
---Dipper's POV---
I felt my eyelids fly open but, I still couldn't see.
"Bill! Bill! W-why can't I see!?" I called out.
"Oh, but you can see. You can see the truth. You'll now always be able to tell if someone is lying. Consider it a parting gift. Isn't that what you wanted, to see the truth?"
"Bill this isn't what I wanted! Give me back my sight!"
"Sure, if you make a deal with me."
"Then enjoy being blind!" I think he left after that.
How am I going to get home? How am I going to explain this to Mabel? To my parents?
I palmed around for my bag and slowly found it.
I felt around for my iPhone. When I felt the cool metal I held down on the home button.
"C-call Mabel Pines!" I yelled at Siri.
"Calling Mabel Pines." After a few dial tones Mabel picked up.
"Dipper!? What's wrong!?" She yelled.
"Mabel I messed up big time. I need you to find me." I hanged up before she could say anything. I held down on the home button again.
"Call Ford." After waiting for awhile I thought he'd never pick up.
"Dipper, my boy, what can I help you with?" He answered cheerfully.
"Gruncle Ford, I messed up."
"Tell me everything." He no longer sounded cheerful.

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