Chapter 3

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"So, what spell do you want me to do?" I so didn't think this through. What if it's one that takes over my body permanently? Or it's a time reversal spell? I am such an idiot!
"I want you to create a doorway for me. It's a simple spell really. All you have to do it carve a triangle and put an eye at the center of it. Like this," He connected his index fingers and thumbs making a triangle. He peered through the triangle with his only eye.
"Then just use blood to fill it in. It works without having you carving it but, this way you can't mess it up. You don't need to chant anything. You just need a dagger."
Phew, what a relief. I thought it was going to be something worse than that.
"All right. I'll do it when I have the chance to be alone. Now, go away. I want to sleep."
"Good night Pinetree. Remember reality's an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold, Bye!"
Just like that he was gone and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
---Mabel POV---
I woke up in my bed after dreaming about the boy band, Several Timez. How did I get into my bed? I look over to Dipper's bed and sure enough he was sleeping in it. I couldn't control myself. I leapt off on my bed and tackled Dipper into a hug. He woke up instantly drowsy from sleep. I thought he was going to yell at me but he hugged me back.
"I thought you left for good! You scared me so much. Dipper I'm so so sorry. I just wanted you to stop being so serious. I didn't mean to push you so far." I felt tears slid down my face.
"It's all right Mabel. I'm sorry. I fell asleep in the woods and when I woke up it was super late. I am sorry I scared you. Tell you what. How about we make some Stancakes?"
"Yeah, that would be nice." I pulled away wiping her tears away. Dipper and I both got dressed. He was wearing an orange shirt with a blue hoodie instead of his vest. Of course he is wearing his cargo shorts as well. Me on the other hand was wearing a fashionable sweater and a black skirt. My sweater said the word, "Fashion" on it so it was perfect.
---Dipper's POV--- (skipping breakfast)
After making Stancakes with Mabel I had the knife in my hoodie's sleeve.Mabel and I patched things up as we were cooking. Soon we were back to our normal selves. After hanging out with Mabel for a few hours I call out grabbing my backpack.
"Mabel, do you mind if I head out? I have something I need to do."
"Yeah, just don't be gone for too long. Remember we have a karaoke battle later!" She shouted as I opened the door.
I walked to the woods. Where was I going to do this? It has to be secluded, open, and won't be found easily.
---Bill's POV---
Aw, he's think of the perfect place to do this. How cute. I think I'm going to give him a push in the right direction.

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