Chapter 5

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---Dipper's POV---
"Tell me everything." He said in a serious tone.
"Bill tricked me into a deal. He picked on my anxiety and I fell right into it. Ford, I can't see."
"What do you mean you can't see?"
"I no longer have sight." I heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
"Tell me specifically what the deal was."
"I had a nightmare about all of you guys. It gave me anxiety. I wanted to see the truth on what you all thought of me. The next night Bill visited me in my dreams. He wanted me to make him a doorway here in California. In exchange I'll be able to see the truth.
I just wanted to know what you all thought of me. I got it. After I made the doorway Bill held up his part of the bargain. I was transported to a wired place where everyone that I knew and didn't know but met before surround me. I wanted the truth and now I've gotten it. Mabel wishes I wasn't her brother. Stan thinks I'm a loser. You think I'm too naive and not enough to handle anything. Wendy thinks I'm too immature. I know what my parents thinks of me Ford!" I was crying. It hurt. All their words. It hurt because they're all true.
Ford was silent for a while. He then spoke,
"Dipper did you ask for the truth or all of the truth?" I stopped breathing at that comment.
Bill probably only showed me what they thought of me when they were upset or annoyed.
"I asked for the truth." I whispered.
"Then you've probably figured out that what Bill showed you wasn't the whole truth. You can tell if I'm lying right?"
"That's what Bill said I could do. A parting gift." I spit.
"Then I want you to know that what Bill showed you wasn't the whole truth. Dipper I think of you like a son. I love you and so does Stan. I think you're brilliant and wise beyond your years. Far more than when I was your age."
It was the truth. The complete truth.
"T-thank you Gruncle Ford. What am I going to tell Mabel? My parents? I called Mabel to come find me because I fell pretty badly. My back hit a boulder and I felt a snap. Nothing's broken I think because I can wiggle my toes. But it hurts to move."
"Stay where you are. Let Mabel find you. After we hang up call 911 but, first. We need to come up with a cover story. Hold off on telling Mabel the truth. Say that a monster you were hunting did this. I'll convince your parents to let you come to Gravity Falls but, I think you might have to wait until Summer. That's...two months away. It'll give you time to adjust and also for me to find a solution. All right?"
"Thank you Gruncle Ford." He was telling the truth. We both hanged up. I once again held down the home button.
"Call 911."
"Calling 911." The operator spoke,
"911, what is your emergency?"
"I fell in the woods and my back snapped against a boulder. Nothing is broken I can still wiggle my toes. The pain is unbearable if I try to move though."
"Sir can you tell me where you are?" Her voice was full of concern.
"I'm in the woods of Piedmont, California. Oh, and I'm...ah...blind," the last bit I whispered out.
"Sir I have dispatched ambulances. I didn't catch the last bit you said though can you repeat it?"
"I'm blind!" I yell.
"Please calm down sir. Is anyone there with you?"
"No, I called my sister before calling you though and asked her to find me."
"Okay, good. Now I'm going to stay with you through all of this. Tell me when you hear the sirens."
"All right." She started talking some more but I lost interest.
"DIPPER!? DIPPER WHERE ARE YOU!?" A voice shouted. I know that voice anywhere though.
"MABEL!? MABEL! MABEL I'M HERE!" I screamed back.
I heard leaves and branches crunch under her feet. I turn my attention back to my phone,
"Ma'am my sister has found me. I think I hear sirens off in the distance too though."
"All right that's great. When you sister gets here. Give the phone to her."
"Okay. "
I heard what sounded like Mabel sliding in the dirt.
"Dipper! What happened to you!?"
"I fell Mabel. Really badly. The 911 operator wants to talk to you."
"Dipper, why are your eyes grey instead of brown?"
"Mabel, focus!" I shouted.
After Mabel and the operator have a long talk. I heard other voices shouting in the distance. I was losing consciousness though.
"Over here! I found them!" Was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

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