Chapter 13

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---Dipper's POV---(one week since kidnapping)
The blade cut again. And again and again. My blood was running down my sides. Pooling on the bed. The crushing weight against my chest got heavier.
"" I wheeze out breathlessly.
The pain started anew. Until it become nothing. I became nothing.
Kid, wake up! You are still alive. Come on, you can still make a deal with me! You don't deserve this! Pain is no way to feel alive. It's just a distraction. Wake up!

I snapped awake gasping for air. I calmed down and remained lying on the bed. My blood was dried and cracked on it. Giving the bed a jagged and rough feel to it. I missed the feeling of pain. The echo it's left on me, my body has left me wanting more. I've stopped feeling anything in general, the pain reminds me though.
I heard footsteps walk down the hallway. I rose up from the bed and the footsteps came to a slow halt. The cell door unlocked.
"Leader Blind Ivan has need of you." Sam's voice called out.
"Yes. Anything for Leader Blind Ivan."
I got off the bed and my feet got caught in my robe. I was falling but, I felt something try and stop it. But I passed right through it.
Did you try to catch me?
W-what!? N-no. Pfft. As if.
"Get up you useless brat!"
"Yes, my apologize."
I got up and shuffled my way to the cell door. A hand grabbed onto my elbow. I flinched internally.
Why did you try to catch me?
It seemed like the right thing to do.
Because that's what you do when someone you care about is going to get hurt. You try to stop it.
You care about me?
Of course I do. Why do you think I've stayed around here to help you?
You've been helping me?
You do you think wakes you up from your nightmares, whispers comforting and soothing words to you?
That's you!?
But of course. Are you hearing any other voices aside from me and your's inside your head?
Whew. Good.
Hey, Mister
I care about you too.

Before the voice could say anything back. Leader Blind Ivan spoke first, "Ah, Dipper, glad to see you again. I have need of you."
"Yes, anything for you Leader Blind Ivan." I was placed on the pillow beside Leader Blind Ivan. The same spot as last time. I learned that it was a pillow because of the fluffy feel to it. It was next to what I believe to be the throne.
"Thank you Sam," Leader spoke, "for bringing Dipper to me. You are dismissed."
"Yes, Leader."
"Dipper. I am going to interrogate every single member in my society. I want you to tell me if they are lying. I think we have a traitor amongst us."
"Yes, Leader Blind Ivan."

---Ford's POV---(day 5 of Dipper's kidnapping)

The police have been notified on what happened and after three days of searching, they came up empty handed. With no leads to go on and no clues. They were slowly giving up. "No member of the Pines family gives up" is what my old man use to say. So I am following the advice he has given me. I will not give up.
Stan and I were looking in the woods for any hints on where Dipper and the Society could be. The woods were thick but, out of the corner of my eye. I saw something move. I tapped on Stan's shoulder and pointed in the direction. He nodded. He must have heard it too. We made a break for it in the direction of the noise. Stan full body tackled the man while I raised a gun at him. The man was in the red robe who a hood that covers his eyes.
"He's a member all right." Stan says. I nod in agreement.
"Tell us where your hide out is. Also how to get pasted you security system. You know, the one that makes it impossible to sneak in without getting detected."
"H-how do you know about that. No one but, the members such as myself should be the only ones who know about that."
"Answer my question on how to get in and I'll answer yours."
"I can't. If I do that and Leader Blind Ivan finds out he'll erase me."
"You'll have a lot worse to fear from me and him if you don't answer my question." Stan wrapped him into a choke hold and I clicked the hammer of my gun.
"A-all right. You can get in through a cave entrance. The alarm system you have to avoid is all the twisted trees. They have these macabre eyes in them that is camouflaged that no one ever notices them. They give you this weird feeling though. Like someone is watching you. Well, I guess they are watching you." The man was rambling.
"Hey! Quit your babbling. I'm going to need a map on the correct path to take to avoid those eyes." I yelled at him.
He nodded. "What's your name?"
"Alright Jasper. Let's go to my place to get things...sorted out." We began walking back. I kept the gun pointed at him and Stan bound his hands.
We're coming Dipper.

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