Chapter 15

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---Mabel's POV---
Dipper was pointing a mind erasing gun at Gruncle Ford.
"Dipper put the gun down. We have to go and we are taking you with us." Ford murmured.
Dipper opened his mouth and screamed,
Men in red robes emeralds from the shadowy depths of the cell. They grabbed us. Soon Ford, Stan, and me were tied together. The rope was too tight to fight against.
"How did you know we were coming!?" I yelled at them.
"Ah, it's a rather simple deduction when one of my fallen brethren yelled, 'they're coming for you Dipper'. So I have ordered Dipper to remain in his cell until you came. I armed him with the gun and told him to yell when we should step in. It worked like a charm. I must say Brother Sam you did a great job with Dipper. He's so obedient." A man emerged from the cell's doorway. He was bald with a tattooed head with what appeared to be a map to the parts of his brain. He only had one good eye. The other was probably blind from the gray coloring to it.
"Leader Blind Ivan, please you praise me too much." A different man spoke.
The bald man spoke again,
"Dipper give me the gun please."
"No Dipper! Don't!" Stan yelled. As if Dipper was completely deaf to our pleas he extended his hand out with the gun in it. Baldy walked over to him and took the gun.
"I am going to erase Dipper Pines from your memory completely." Baldy said.
"Ha!" Gruncle Ford scoffed, "What about Dipper's parents? We have his contact information on our phones. We have friends who can remind us. The whole damn town knows who he is! If we forget someone will remind us. We have photos of him. There is no way we can forget about him!"
"Hmm," One eyed looked like he was thinking, "You have a point. Brother Sam please bring me the prototype we've been working on."
"P-prototype for what?" I ask nervously.
"This prototype is for memory altering. Instead of erasing Dipper from your memory we'll just alter it. Dipper will be...out exploring the culture of...the Manotaurs? Yes. I like that. He'll be exploring the Manotaurs culture for a month because he heard a rumor that they could help his adjustment with his blindness. His favorite Gruncle took him to the Manotaurs himself. Isn't that such a lovely story."
"N-no! I want my brother back!" I yell out.
"Please, he's just a kid. He's blind too. He doesn't deserve this." Gruncle Stan pleaded.
Sam returned to the room and gave the gun to this one eyed creep.
"Hey, Dipper what is it with you and one eyed creeps?" I kid looking at my brother. He maybe blind but he was looking right at me.
Then the man fired the gun at Stan, Ford, and finally me.
I will save you Dipper
I will save you.

I woke up with a jump. It must have been some dream I was having. I wore my pink sweater with a shooting star on it, a ruffled black skirt and high white knee socks with black shoes. I looked at the photo of Dipper and me on my desk.
"Hey Dipper. I miss you so much. I wish you were home from your Manotaur exploration thing. One month is too long." I complained to the photo. "Anyway, please be safe and good luck. Come home when you get tired or feel homesick. The best cure for feeling homesick is to just go home." I waved goodbye to Dipper and left to go downstairs.
Both of the Stans were sitting around the table. Stan reading the paper as usual. Ford writing in his journal.
"Morning!" I announced cheerfully.
"Hey Pumpkin."
"Good morning kiddo."
I opened the fridge and grabbed my Mabel Juice. While pouring a glass Stan whispered over to Ford,
"That stuff is the kid of coffee and nightmares." Ford nodded his head vigorously. He whispered over to Stan,
"I had a glass once. I didn't sleep for 3 days. For the first few hours it was like every color was intensified." Stan nodded his head and there whispered conversation continued when Gruncle Stan shared his experience.
I miss Dipper. I wish he was here to see these brothers bond. It's nice.

The morning continued like this. I left to hang out with Candy and Grenda. My mind always drifting off to thinking about what Dipper's doing. As I was walking home from Candy's house an image flashed through my mind.
Dipper was pinned beneath a man wearing a red robe. The man was dragging a blade up and down Dipper's side. I could hear his screaming echo off of the walls.
Clutching my head the images passed. Shaking my head I continued walking. That's what I get for having Mabel Juice. I thought I had a high tolerance for the Juice by now but, I guess not.
I mean who can withstand twenty 5 hour energy juice, heavily sugared fruit punch, edible glitter, lime and lemon juice, and some decorative dinosaurs? The side effects to that juice have no end.
But still this feeling of dread stuck to me even after the images have passed. The Shack was in my view and I saw Stan waving at me from the porch. Smiling I ran to him. Everything is fine. I'm just worried and miss Dipper. I'll see him soon though.

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