Chapter 16

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---Dipper's POV---
I heard the gun fire and my family's pleas came to a dying end. Goodbye.

After everyone except Leader Blind Ivan left. There was an unbearable silence between the two of us. He finally spoke though,
"Dipper, I want you to remember this. No one is going to come and save you. You are going to spend the rest of your time here. Doing whatever I ask of you."
He walked away after he was done talking. And I fell to the floor.
I'm going to be here forever. I'm going to die here. All alone. I was sobbing.
You're not going to die alone. I'll be here with you.
Thank you Bill. Can I ask you something?
Will you be my friend?
F-friend? What's that?
A friend is someone that people hold dear to them. Even though they share no blood relationship. It's a bond formed between two people. If you become my friend I'll hold you very close to me. Metaphorically speaking.
I think I want to become your friend. Will you become mine?
---Time skip---(1 week later. During that week Dipper and Bill have grown closer together. Mabel, Stan, and Ford are oblivious to what is really happened to Dipper. Mabel is having flashbacks but, dismisses them as just stress and paranoia.) sorry I'm lazy it's still Dipper's POV.

Hey Bill! Guess what! I cheerily say to Bill.
Brother Sam told me that my time here is coming to an end. By the end of tomorrow I'll be gone!
That's great kid. I'm glad to hear it.
I sat on the floor of my cell. Humming a tune. Slowly I fell asleep.

---Bill's POV---
Hey Bill! Guess what! He cheerily said to me.
Brother Sam told me that my time here is coming to an end. By the end of tomorrow I'll be gone!
That's great kid. I'm glad to hear it.
I reply to him. I couldn't destroy that smile on
That's horrible. They're going to kill him! How am I going to stop that. I don't even have a doorway here! Maybe I can get Sixer to remember? Shooting Star? Hell even Fez will do!
He can't die! He's my first and only friend! How am I going to save him though?
I was in my human form so I extended my gloved right hand. Wanting to ruffle his boyish curls but, my hand slipped right through.
My vision become blurry. Was someone summoning me? Then my eyes started leaking. Wait no I've seen Dipper do this. I'm crying.
My chest started to hurt too. It was not the hilarious kind of pain. Why does it hurt so much? I'm not bleeding or injured in anyway! Why? Why does Dipper have to die?
I'll teach Dipper how to make a doorway for me.
I looked down at Dipper and I was ready to teach him how but, he was asleep. How could I disturb such a peaceful thing? When he wakes up though. I'll teach him.

---Mabel's POV---
It has been two weeks since Dipper went on his adventure. I've been getting these flash images of him being tortured or him in a dark cell. It's just stress Mabel. Calm down. I have been writing down what I see in a diary. Gruncle Ford and Stan don't know I have been seeing these images. I just don't want to worry them anymore than they are. Dipper is blind and he is in the woods surround by beasts, what's not to worry about? By tomorrow though, Dip-dip will be home! Gruncle Ford was going on about how much tomorrow's going to be a full moon.
"Hey Mabel come down here already and eat your lunch!" Gruncle Stan shouted.
"Coming!" I volley back.
Soon everything's going to be perfect. Dipper will be home and we can hang out for the rest of the summer. I pushed away any feelings of doubt and smiled.

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