Chapter 7

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2 months later (Dipper has spent the entire time adjusting to his new life. Learning to read Braille. How to get dressed. Not to crash into a table. Mabel has become his eyes and the two could never have been more closer. Finally they are heading to Gravity Falls. Dipper hasn't heard a word from Gruncle Ford and that worries him.) sorry I will have flash backs from these months later on and stuff I just didn't want to write it.

---Dipper's POV---
It's finally time to go to Gravity Falls. After two months of adapting to my new life and pretending not to know what happened to me. I finally have the chance to fix things. I still haven't told the truth to Mabel yet. I think it's best to have her remain out of the Bill-Cipher-is-back loop. At least until Gruncle Ford says otherwise. My whole lie-detector-sensitivity thing has become useful at some points.
---Lés Flashback---
Week 2 after the incident
"Dipper honey can you come down here for a second. I want you to meet a friend of mine." My mother called out. It was a lie. Whom ever this person was. They were not a friend of Mom's.
"I'm not feeling that well. Do you mind if I met them some other time. I apologize if I'm being rude." I call down to them.
"It's all right honey. Sure." I crept out of my room to hear the conversation between Mom and her 'friend'.
"I'm sorry but, I don't think he is going to come down."
"Can you tell me more about what happened that day?"
"I'm sorry, Doctor Smith but, only Dipper seems to know what truly happened and he can't remember."
A doctor? They were going to have me take to a shrink? Sometimes I wonder why they think I have trust issues.
---End of flashback---
I am glad I get to leave. During the first month I was barely allowed to leave the house unless I was accompanied by one of my family members. I had such fun times tripping over Waddles though. Mom eventually got a bell for him and I soon stopped tripping over him entirely.
Mabel has become my eyes. She upped her vocabulary big time so she could describe what I couldn't see. I would rely on her whenever I was standing or walking without my cane I would place my hand on her shoulder and she would guide and talk to me. Sometimes even with my cane I place my hand on her shoulder. I like the feeling I get know she is there. We fought less and became closer. I gave up on my monster hunts but, I was still obsessed with spells, magic, and reading. Reading was a bore sometimes because I could never really imagine the characters anymore.
"Dipper!"Mabel called out. "It's time to go!"
"Coming!" I replied. I went down the stairs. I hated these stairs.
First week since accident
I tried to walk up the stairs on my own this time. First step. Good. Second step. Good. Third step. Not so good. I fell and my forehead hit the stairs.
Upon hearing the loud thud Mabel came running.
"Dipper! If you wanted to go up the stairs just ask me. I'll come help you."
"I don't want help walking up stairs! I've lived here almost all my life! This should be easy for me! I just want to be able to do something on my own." I was crying and I could tell Mabel was too. She hates it when people yell. Especially at her.
"H-how about this?" She sniffles, "You and I are going to go up and down these stupid stairs until you can do it all on your own." She wasn't lying.
"Y-yeah. I'd like that. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just upset with myself. I hate feeling so useless all the time."
"It's all right. Let's just go to bed."
---End of Flashback---
Mabel was the greatest sister anyone could ever ask for. I extended my hand and palmed the air for the doorknob. Finally grabbing it I turn the knob a stepped outside. The bus picked us up a few minutes later and we were on our way. Soon we'd be in Gravity Falls. To be honest. I don't know anymore if I want my sight back.

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