Chapter 8

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---Ford's POV---
Dipper and Mabel are going to be here soon. What am I going to tell Dipper? The deal he made with Bill is irreversible. Unless you make another deal with Bill. How am I going to explain this to Dipper? Let alone Mabel.
"Agh!" I clutch my head gripping my hair. This is an impossible situation. How come Bill hasn't visited anyone else? Why just Dipper?
"Hey! Ford, the twins are going to be here in a few minutes. Can you stop whatever your doing and come with me to meet them?" Stan called from up stairs.
"Y-yeah! I'll be right there!" I call back. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! This is going to break Dipper's heart. It's going to hurt Mabel too.
---Time skip---
Stan and I wanted at the bus stop. I looked down at the ground and sighed.
"Stan, please take it easy on Dipper."
"You think that I wouldn't!?" He looked positively affronted. He started yelling at me but, I wasn't listening.
"Stanley!" He stopped yelling. "What I'm about to tell you stays between us. You cannot tell Mabel."
Stan nodded.
"Dipper was tricked into a deal with Bill. That's how he's lost his sight. What he can see is the truth though. He'll be able to tell if someone is lying. He has pretended to have memory loss while I looked for a solution." He didn't say anything so I continued. I felt tears slid down my face.
"Stanley, I've failed him. I couldn't find a way to give him back his sight." I was sobbing now. Stanley just stood where he was. I felt something ram into me. I was pulled into a hug by Stan. I needed this. This hug. This warmth. I knew what was going to happen next. I would have to tell Dipper. Will he ever forgive me?
The bus pulled into view. We pulled apart and I rubbed away my tears. Stanley must have been crying as well but, he turned away before I could see. I looked at my trench cloak's sleeve. Sure enough it was wet.
The bus pulled up in front of us. The second the doors opened I was tackled into another hug.
"It's good to see that you still haven't changed Mabel." I laughed.
"Hi Gruncle Ford!" She said as she pulled away and only to tackle Stan.
Another figure appeared in the doorway of the bus.
Dipper. His eyes were now a dull grey instead of doe brown. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a plain white shirt. He had a retractable cane in his left hand.
"Here let me help you Dipper." I reached out a hand for him. I was instead met by a hug. Blind or not this is still Dipper. I laughed and hugged him back. My smile went away as I whispered to him.
"Dipper. I'm sorry but, I've failed you. I couldn't find a way for you to see again." He pulled away. His grey eyes looked up to me.
"You know. I honestly kind of expected this. Thank you so much for trying."
Tears welled in my eyes again. What have I done to deserve a person like him?
He pulled away. "Gruncle Stan? Where are you?" He called out.
"Over here." He and Dipper hugged and I walked over to get the twin's bags.
It looks like Dipper's all right after all.

---???? POV---(When Stan and Ford were talking.)

The boy is blind but can tell if someone is lying? This could be useful. We could use him until the next full moon. I want to see this boy. Then I'll report it back. This is going to be interesting.

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