Chapter 12

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---Mabel's POV---(the second day since Dipper's kidnapping)

I was left alone yesterday. Slowly I was processing what happened and what my Gruncles just told me. He lied to protect me and now he's gone. He's gone because of what he was lying about. He made this deal to know what we all thought of him. Was I could think about.
I not going to think about that anymore. I'm going to focus on finding my brother. I got dressed wearing a purple sweater with winking ghost on it and a black skirt. High white knee socks and black boots.
Racing down stairs I saw Gruncle Stan on the phone and Ford standing leaning down over a map on the table. He was circling spots on the map. They look so busy. So serious. I probably should leave them alone. I want to help too but, maybe staying out of the way is for the best.
I sat down on the couch. Just staring down at my hands. Why am I so useless?
My surroundings turned monotone. Bill.
"Bill show yourself!"
"Hi yeah Shooting Star!"
"What do you want Bill?"
"To make a deal with you. I'll show you where Pine tree is. In return I wan-"
"No! If I make a deal with you then all Dipper's hard work to protect me from doing this will all be for nothing!" With each word my confidence grew.
"I'm not going to make a deal with you Bill!"
He looked shocked.
"Alright Shooting Star but, how about I show you what's happening to Dipper as we speak."
"In exchange for?"
"Consider this a freebie." He snapped his fingers.
I was standing inside a prison cell. Torches dimly lit the room. In front of me was a man in a red robe with the hood down. He had brown hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. He also had a dagger in his right hand.
Dipper was pinned down underneath his body.
"Dipper!" I shout.
"Kid, please don't. He can't hear us or see us." Bill sounded annoyed.
The man in the robe took the dagger and dragged it down Dipper's ribs. He was screaming. The man in the robes did it again and again and again. Not once did the screaming slow and neither did the man in the robe. He must have been restoring Dipper's lost blood with magic. I was going to be sick. Tears were steadily flowing down my face. I fell to the floor my hands covering my mouth. Bill snapped his fingers and we were gone. He was gone too. I threw up on the floor. Both Stan and Ford came running.
"Mabel what's wrong?"
"Bill came to make a deal with me. I refused but, he decided to show me what was happening to Dipper for free." I retched again thinking about it.
"T-there torturing him." Tears fell to the floor. "All I could do was watch as they tortured my brother." Gruncle Ford spoke first, "We'll find him." Gruncle Ford left and Stan stayed to carry me to my room. I was left alone in my room. I replayed what happened in my head again and again. We'll find you, Dipper. I promise.
---Ford's POV---
There are so many possible places where Dipper could be. I have no clue where they might be. Anyone who has stumbled upon it had their memories erased. Dipper is being tortured. He's blind and all alone. We have no way to find him.
"Ford, get some sleep. You look like the aftermath of a fist fight gone wrong."
"I can't sleep! Don't you get that! I can hear him in my head. Whispering little things. Teasing me. Taunting me." I was crying now, "I can't make a deal with him to save Dipper! I can't because I have a metal plate installed in my head."
Crying was an understatement for what I was doing now.
"Ford, he's my great nephew too. You have to keep it together. Dipper did everything he could to prevent Mabel from making a deal with Bill. You think he'd want you to make a deal with Bill too? You think I haven't thought of it too? We are not going to make a deal with Bill because her brother, your great nephew, sacrificed so much that it would be disrespectful just to even think about doing it. So, we're going to do the only things we can. We will find him. We will do it without Bill's help. Now get some sleep."

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