Chapter 6

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---Mabel's POV---
"Mabel I messed up big time. I need you to find me." He then hanged up before I could say anything.
I was panicking. What happened to Dipper? What am I going to do? How am I going to find him?
"Find my iPhone, please don't fail me now." I entered Dipper's password and I began to follow the dot. I'll find you Dipper. Don't you worry.
---Time skip---
I was running in the woods shouting with each step I took, "DIPPER!? DIPPER WHERE ARE YOU!?" After 10 minutes of running and yelling I was getting tired. My phone died after 5 minutes of searching. Shit why didn't I charge it!
"DIPPER!? DIPPER WHERE ARE YOU!?" Then I heard it.
"Mabel!? MABEL! MABEL I'M HERE!" I have never sprinted so fast in my life before. I saw him. He was up against a boulder. Blood was on his shirt and hands. I slid down the hill and when I reached him he had a phone next to his head
"Dipper! What happened to you!?
"I fell Mabel. Really badly. The 911 operator wants to talk to you." Was all he said. I reached down and grabbed the phone. I saw him open his eyes. They simple stared up. They were a dull grey.
"Dipper, why are your eyes grey instead of brown?"
"Mabel, focus!" He shouted.
I held the phone up to my ear.
"Hello? This is Mabel I'm Dipper's sister."
"Okay. Great. I'm glad you found him. Can you describe where you are? How long it took you to find him?"
"It took me 15 minutes to find him. We're somewhere between two hills. Oh! I remember running past a trail marker. It was a red flag."
"Thank you Mabel this is all really helpful." After a few more minutes I heard people yelling.
"Over here! I found them!" I looked down at Dipper. His head resting in my lap. He fell asleep.
"What happened to you Dipper." I whisper. My tears fell down onto his face. Then the EMT's pushed me aside as they carried Dipper away.
---Dipper's POV---
I woke up or at least I think I'm conscious. I could barely tell. I heard a heart rate monitor. I tried to sit up but a flash of pain ran through me. Yup, I'm awake.
The door clicked open.
"Ah, you're finally awake, I see." I flinched when she said see.
"I'll go inform your family and doctor."
After a few minutes of silence. I heard footsteps slam down the hallway.
Mabel. Always making a scene.
"Dipper!?" She yelled into the room and I felt her weight slam onto me. I was wrapped on in one of her signature hugs. It took everything in me not to scream in pain.
"Mabel, I'm blind not deaf." I teased trying to push her off me.
"That is not funny Dipper." A different voice called out.
"Um, sorry Dad." I heard my mother's heel click against the tiles. She came over to me and she started to coo,
"Aww, Dipper baby, how are you feeling? Your father and I were so scared when we got a call saying you were in the hospital. We left the spa resort instantly. Never go walking in the woods by yourself again. Do you hear me?" She went from sweet to angry in a few seconds. Typical of mom.
"Y-yes Mom."
"How did you even loose your sight?" Mabel asked.
I heard a didn't make voice speak this time.
"Yes, how indeed?" Shit what am I going to say? Memory loss due to trauma? Yeah. Let's go with that.
"I-I d-don't r-remember." I took a deep breath wincing as I did. I felt tears slid down my face. "I r-remember f-falling b-but n-nothing e-else."
"That's quite alright Dipper. Memory loss due to trauma is perfectly understandable. Your memories will either come back or won't. Don't force yourself though." I felt my face stretch into a smile. I simple nodded.
"Did I break anything?"
"No, you have a severely bruised back and a cut on your right hand."
"When will he be allowed to go home?" Mabel and Mom said at the same time. That got a laugh out of me. They've always been so similar.
"He can go home tomorrow if he wants."
"Yes, please." I have always hated hospitals.
"Alright then. Please leave Dipper to rest. I have other patients to attend to. Excuse me."
I felt it. When he said those words. He's not going to see other patients. He was lying.

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