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When you're sad, Dany will try to be there for you while still balancing her obligations as Queen. But she would make that exception for you and only you. She would sit next to you and watch you cry, taking in everything about you and staring at you with that small crease between her brows. She puts her hand on your shoulder for comfort but if that doesn't work she'd tenderly guide your head into the crook of her neck, stroking your hair.

You sobbed, waving your hands in hopes of explaining what was wrong. Daenerys watched you cry and she raised her hands to cup your head. She stroked her thumb over your cheek and raised your head to meet hers. Smiling sadly she tucked you into her chest and hummed every now and then when you blubbered out a mess of words.

On the rare occasion that all else fails, she's sure Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal would cheer you up.


He would be furious if he see's you cry. How dare anyone make his Queen weep. It wouldn't matter if no one actually made you cry, he would find someone to punish. He might let his anger consume you and forget that he should be comforting you, not that he's that good at it anyway because no one has ever cared for him. He'd hold you so tightly it bordered on uncomfortable but you loved it all the same.

"Who did this!" He fumed storming over to you and grabbing you face in a constricting vise that left fingerprints on your jaw. Breathing deeply to calm your self you grabbed his hands and slightly tugged to relieve some pressure. "Find who did this and bring them to me" he snarled his purple eyes alight and teeth bared.
"They will regret waking the dragon."


He'd saunter towards you, the bells in his hair ringing with every step and he would fully envelop you into his side. He wouldn't let anyone but his bloodriders see you so vulnerable. They'd all watch as their Khal would put you in his lap, almost like a baby, and just hold you. He's never done this before so he doesn't really talk apart from conversing with his bloodriders but just the physical contact is enough.

In any other situation, this would have been awkward. Your body was curled into a crouched position with your chest practically flushed against Drogo's bare one. Both of his thick arms were coiled around you, hugging you to his chest as his breathing and the soft rumble of his chest soothing your woes. All of his bloodriders, including your brother, were listening to their Khal and ignoring your presence almost as if you were an extension to their Khal.


Daario is surprisingly good at comforting you when you're sad. He'll go out of his way to make you smile throughout the whole day. He'd swim to surrounding islands to bring you exotic flowers or he'd sneak up behind you and surprise you with silver pendants and charms. He would give you everything you loved in tenfold just to see that noteworthy smile of yours that he adores.

You turned towards the tap on your shoulder only to find nothing there. Furrowing your brows you turn the other way and are met with Daario sweeping you into his arms. "[Y/N]" he whispered trailing his fingers through your hair and pulling back with wildflowers outstretched to you. "I acquired them from the Merchants. They traveled all the way from Asshai." Taking them from his hands you smiled sweetly and whispered your thanks.
"Daario, were these for her Grace?"


Tyrion is hands down the best person to go to when you're sad. You ever need someone to talk to, he'll set up space just for the two of you with none of Cersei's spies. He won't give you advice unless you want it, instead, he will listen to what you say and agree with everything you say. He'll hold your hand and play with your fingers, secretly helping you relax.

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