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WARNING: violence,
gore, murder,
and blood


The killing had not stopped, the sons of the Harpy were savage and relentless, offering slave girls, wealth, and glory to whoever manages to kill her first. They couldn't touch her Daenerys knew, too untrained to even get past her lesser trained warriors and her dragons would smite anyone who came too close. Though, she couldn't fight the fear of one of the slaves attempting an attack on you to get to her.

Her dragons playfully snarled at each other, snapping their jaws, and weaving between each other as Daenerys watched, entertained by the sight. Drogon slithered his way to her side, rubbing his hot scales along her arms and purring in a clicking and screeching sort of way. She was hoping to spend her time alone with you, but her dragons would keep her company while she waited for you. Her cream and gold beast halts his play and jerks his head to her door, her other children following her example. Dany's breath catches and everything slows.

The sound of her heart beating was distinct, setting her nerves on fire as she waited, her dragons clicking and hissing as they feel the rising anxiety. There's a sound of a scuffle reached her ears and Daenerys slowly rose, so she stood facing the door, her hand raised by her chest as if to protect herself, Viserion and Rhaegal swimming over towards her, bearing their black needle teeth. Her door is thrown open and it's you. There's blood on your brow and your hands and feet are dirtied and cut, eyes blurred by tears.

"[Y/n]," Dany breaths, her chest tightening painfully, brows furrowed. She moves to rush to you, wanting to cradle you in her arms and bandage your wounds. Before she can take another step a Ghiscari slave girl arrives, no older than seventeen with a dagger in her hand. She charges at you but freezes when she sees dragons. The girl gapes and trembles, looking between you and the monsters of old but all Dany could see is the dagger soaked in your blood.

Her dragons sensed her fear. Viserion roared, and smoke rose grey from his snout. Drogon beat the air with his black wings, and Rhaegal twisted his head back and emit flame. It caught on the girl's clothes and engulfed her moments later, her screams echoing down the corridors, alerting her soldiers who came rushing. 

Dany did not need them now, scooping down to hold your head in her hands, hiccupping sobs at your injuries. "You're safe now," she cooed, clutching you to her chest and rocking you. "They'll never hurt you again." The screams had long since passed and Dany kept you buried to her chest so you couldn't watch the way skin melted from bone and turned to ash, her dragons curling around you, breathing smoke as they watched the girl burn proudly.


Viserys sat aside from the Dothraki wedding he'd been forced to attend, some bloodrider or something, and watched with disgust as these savages ate strange food and danced to the barbaric sounds of drums, all the while waiting for the moment you'd arrive.

His fingers drummed along his thigh in impatience scowling at every person he'd sat up straighter for thinking it was you. He was watching a man with oiled hair and dothraki leather killed another man for fun, cutting off their braid afterward when he saw you slinking your way through the crowd, an amused smile on your face when you noticed Viserys' feet were off the ground to avoid the blood spreading across the ground.

He watched with rapt attention every move you made towards him and with an almost incredulous outrage as some primitive man grabbed you by your shoulder and forced you to the ground on your knees. He flinched as your knees crashed into the ground harshly. All the warmth drained from him, leaving him sickly and cold, mouth agape as he could only sit there stunned.

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