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Jorah:  Jorah has very mixed feelings about you. On the one hand he despises you, you who has all the affection and devotion given to you by the women he loves. He is jealous every time he sees you together and bites his cheek when he watches the shared glances between you or the subtle grazing of your hands. You have everything he's ever wanted, but he admires how you make Daenerys happy, and at the end of the day, that's all he wants.

Missandei:  Missandei loves you. She wouldn't say it outright, but you know she's happy for you and Dany. She's your number one fan. Whenever you and Daenerys kiss it is either alone or in front of Missandei because you know she'll never judge you. Especially considering the small smirk she makes when you kiss or doing anything affectionate with each other.

Ser Baristan Selmy:  He can't help but be torn in his judgement of you. He wants Daenerys to be happy and has seen she is happy with you, always witnessing the sweet smile reserved only for you and the way she whispers your name, so he likes you for that respect. On the other hand, he can't help but wonder how you would be beneficial for the future. She may need to marry for a political alliance, and he can't see Dany giving you up which may cause problems.

+ Dragons: All three of her dragons can sense Dany's affections for you and therefore seem to like you as well, sliding closer to you that you can feel the heat of their scales on your skin and even letting you touch them to Dany's delight. Rhaegal seems to like you the most.


Daenerys:  She adores you. Not only are you one of her loved handmaidens but you are strong and willful and don't put up with Viserys' tantrums as much as her. You were her friend before you were anything to Viserys so she sometimes feels vexed that he would steal your affections.

Master Illio:  He is reserved with his true feelings, but he feels you will be a possible obstacle in the future. Either you will be the best thing for Viserys, making him strong and powerful, securing his links to the Dothraki army, or tossed aside for an alliance with a highborn Lady that could spark your vengeance. He can't decide on what outcome is worse.

Jorah:  Jorah is honestly surprised you've lasted this long in Viserys company. He finds your relationship with Viserys amusing as the two of you are so different yet can't help the flicker of concern that you may become a potential threat to Daenerys if Viserys somehow poisons your mind.


Drogo has you and Daenerys 
as his wives though he 
married you second.

Bloodriders:  Drogo's bloodriders slowly but surely begun to admire you and would now die to protect you as less of duty, and more though esteem. You represent their ways as Drogo's Dothraki wife though they admire Dany too and will happily sit with you or accompany you wherever you go.

Daenerys:  Despite what everyone expects there is no resentment between you two. At first, Dany was scared and alarmed that she would be one of two wives, but she has grown to respect and admire you and you for her. After remembering how Aegon I had  his two wives, Dany began to values your support and treats you as a sister - the Targaryen way.

Jorah: Jorah respects you but that's about as far as he's willing to go. He values how you teach and Befriend Daenerys the ways of the Dothraki and how you aren't hateful or violent towards her. Having two wives is not common in Westeros so he still finds it slightly odd when he sees Drogo kiss or touches you, knowing he also has Dany.


Daenerys:  She enjoys your company and thinks of you highly. Daenerys will sometimes walk with you around Meereen and ask about your knowledge of how the people view her and her leadership. She values your local consort. She knows how charming and slimy Daario can be, jokingly 'saving' you from him at times by calling for you to dine with her, excluding Daario and laughing as he whines.

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