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Daenerys loves it when you get sleepy and how you always manage to fall onto her for support, becoming clingy and nuzzling into her shoulder, feeling your muscles relax as she can hear the soft pants of your breath against her skin. If she could, Dany would have you rest on her in front of everyone and let them watch you cuddle into her softly and unabashed. It makes her feel dependable and trustworthy that no matter what you feel safe enough to fall asleep on her.

You tried hard to keep your eyes open and listen to the negotiations between Daenerys and people of Meereen, blinking your eyes and subtly jerking your body upright when you began to sway. You could feel her eyes on you when you began to lean slowly towards her, Dany's shoulders looking ever so comfortable to your hazy mind.

The feeling on a soft hand pushing you upright woke you from your stupor. Blearily looking up you met Daenerys' concerned eyes and realise her guests have left. A wave of embarrassment washing over you. stuttering out an exclamation she interrupts you.

"Torgo Nudho," she alerts Grey Worm who straightens at her attention. "Please escort YN to my chambers to rest and do not let her leave till I return." Turning to you she smiles softly. "I will finish shortly and then I'll come to you alright?"

Nodding your head, you move to follow Grey Worm, your mind already shutting down at the thought of getting to rest in her comfortable bed. Later that evening when Daenerys enters her room, she can't help but coo at the sight of you propped up against her bed trying to stay awake waiting for her. While she didn't need to rest, she would read a book while you curled around her one hand absentmindedly running through your hair.


There's always a small buzz of satisfaction that runs through Viserys' body when you fall asleep on him. He can't help but feel smug when you would begin to get all pouty when you're tired, slumping in your seat and waiting until you cave and move to rest on him. Sometimes he'll tease you, raising his brows when you start towards him and mock your drowsiness that has you flushing with embarrassment but too tired to care. He'll never admit how soft he is, however, when you're passed out on him and he'll glare at anyone making too much noise.

You can't help but whine when Viserys sends you a sharp look, though there was no heat in it. You know he's teasing you, winding you up to watch you pout and become doe-eyed and you know you're playing into his hand but you're just so tired and want to rest your head for a bit.

Viserys grins, his violet eyes filling with fond amusement as you fight to keep your head up. Taking pity on you, even though he knows he can only tease you for so long before he craves the feeling of your body against his and the flutter in his heart at your sleeping face, he stretches his arms out, inviting you to crawl into them.

Your head bumps into his body as you clumsily try to get comfortable, shifting your body to find the right position while unknowingly being tenderly watched as you settle down.  His arms circle around you holding you close as he observes your breathing even out and your lips part. Viserys leans down and rests his lips against your forehead, basking in the feeling of serenity with you asleep in his arms. 


For Drogo, when you intentionally or accidentally fall asleep on him it makes him proud. The dark dominating part of him feels that it means he can provide well for you, often inducing you into sleepiness by having you sit in his lap and feed you from his hand until you're too tired to keep your eyes open while he holds you. He'll bask into the stares of others who watch as you cling to him in your sleep, his dark eyes daring anyone to wake you.

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