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NOTE: violence and strong themes.
I've also tweaked the gender significance 
in some of these weddings.


As Queen of Meereen Daenerys has a lot of expectations to fulfill in her marriage to you. Many disapproved of your marriage and were expecting Dany to marry a male but were somewhat placated that she followed the Meereenese traditions, though she refused the ancient ritual of having you examined by her female companions for fertility as it didn't matter.

She was ethereal sitting among her ivory chair, poised like a true Queen. You both wore white silk, the fabric entrancing you whenever you looked at Daenerys, almost dancing as she moved. The silk was so smooth that it ran through your fingers like water. You both were donned in a dark red veil, slightly obscuring your view as you knelt in front of her dipping your hands into the lukewarm water of the large golden bowl in front of you.

Dany barely moved when you reached for her feet, the small pearls sewn into your tokar gleaming at the light and you couldn't resist a glance at her when you began to wash her feet. Though her face was covered you could see her eyes boring into yours with such intensity your breath hitched. You could no longer hear the sixty eunuchs singing around you, or the Green Graces, high priestesses of the Ghiscari city performing the ceremony. All you could focus on was her.

You were gentle as you dunked her feet, running the water over each inch, mindful of the significance of this tradition. It would mean that you were willing to serve her dutifully as her wife. When you ran your hand on the underside of her foot she jerked and you had to bite your smile, though, from the way she beamed at you, you know she saw. Four anticipated hours later, the two of you were effectively married, chains of yellow gold bound the two of you together by wrist and ankle as you emerged from the temple of Graces. 

Her hand brushed along the back of yours, chains clinking together as she entwined your fingers, holding onto your firmly as a rush of butterflies swarmed your belly. Your mouth felt parched when she turned to look at you, squeezing your hand on last time before focusing back onto the people of Meereen who had gathered. You were finally married.


Viserys had almost thrown a fit when you refused to marry by the Faith of the Seven, instead, demanding a dothraki wedding. It wasn't until you had told him that it would bring great fortune and respect to marry this way that he caved. Besides, he thought, I could marry her again in the Red Keep when he was crowned. He would never admit it, but he severely enjoyed your wedding and traditions. He got to sit above Dany and her Khal- were he belonged, he sniffed, and six men had died at his wedding which he had found out was a good thing.

Viserys wore his black and red tunic, a three-headed dragon sewn on it, and his hair pulled back by dothraki leather at your pleas. He had gelled his silver hair the intimidating dothraki way. He watched you speak to the men and women sitting bellow you while you nibbled on the food that slaves brought to you. He took immense satisfaction in watching Dany eat the food he refused, though it didn't seem to bother as much as he would've liked. Occasionally, he'll feed you from his hands, eager for the soft way you smile at him when he does so.

The sun beat down on him as he watched you receive your bride gifts, licking his lips with fervour when he was given an arakh, a bow, and whip from you who refused them. You held his hand as you accepted hundreds of gifts from the forty thousand plus the khalasar, and Viserys was suddenly glad that you had convinced him to have a dothraki wedding. It was when Magister Illyrio nodded his head that he rose from his seat and the drums ceased.

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