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Daenerys is quick to temper but she had incredible restraint on her anger. A dragon's fury she calls it, and she may start an argument quickly, irritated or offended by something but she is not one to have at it with you if she is in the wrong or doesn't have all the facts. Daenerys is stern in her anger, firm words and dismissive, never one to react childishly or without thought of the consequences.

Dany wanted nothing more than to berate you, call you out on your attitude of recent. You'd been curt and cold, arguing with her companions and giving Daenerys the cold shoulder and it was grating on her last nerve. Yet, she is Queen and must remember her duties and manners. "So, you deny anything being amiss then?" Dany says calmly, though her tone is flat, and her eyes are disbelieving.

You heave a big sigh and roll your eyes. Big mistake. "I apologise if I'm boring you," her voice stern and you sit up a little straighter at the bite in her tone, now registering her narrowed eyes and tense jaw. "I just can't seem to understand your actions of late." She watches the moment anger sweeps over you and resentment festers inside her.

"I'm fine," you bite out. "There's nothing to understand anyway." This time Dany rolls her eyes, dropping her regal attitude to cross her arms, her teeth gritting against each other. "You call being arrogant and standoffish fine? How interesting." Daenerys mocks, her eyes crinkling as she fakes a smile and you slowly wet your lips, pressing them together as if to stop you from speaking. It wouldn't be the first time she's played the Queen card to shut you up for saying something unsavoury.

"Tell me, did you notice this attitude before or after you remembered I existed?" Your chest was puffed up in fury and Dany fumes through her nose. "You seemed happy enough to ignore me before I 'acted up'." Pouring herself a glass of wine Dany curbed her irritation with a small swig before appraising you coolly. "I am Queen." Was all she said but by the way you recoiled it was the wrong thing to say.
"Better than me, you mean." The hurt on your face dried up in an instant and Dany sprung up alarmed you mistook her words. Before she could say anything, her shield Belwas, knocks hesitantly before entering and you use the interruption to flee, Daenerys left gaping and torn whether to stay or go after you.


Viserys is made up of equal parts rage, cruelty and vanity. Arguments with him will never be fun. He will get angry at the drop of a hat and sometimes over the silliest of things too. He's prone to screaming at you and then screaming louder when you yell back at him, unused to the way you don't immediately submit to him like how Daenerys used to. He is loose of tongue and harsh with his words so be prepared to be emotionally wounded when you argue.

"You will respect me Issa dāria." He snarls, his eyes blazing. "How can your people think to respect me when my own woman won't!" You huff out a humourless laugh, your mouth downturned and pursed at you stare at him raging about like a child.

"But I am showing you all the respect you deserve!" Your words are thrown with equal ferocity and Viserys gasps, affronted, his mouth gaping as he stares at you before his face turns thunderous. "You want respect, but you never show my people respect." In times like these, when your blood runs hot, you find it hard to converse in Westerossi, preferring to cuss him out in Dothraki.

Viserys storms over to you, his eyes wild and terrifying though you hold your ground, now pressed nose to nose as he breaths deeply like a dragon puffing smoke. "I will not take insults from you! I am the lord of the Seven Kingdoms and you." He was screaming at you. "You are a barefoot, oiled savage. You have no right to talk to me like that." His pretty face was ugly in his rage and he looked so furious you thought he might strike you.

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