358 Days Before (2/2)

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:: 3 :: SUN, February 23, 2014

CLOSING the door behind me, my mom came parading with one shoe on. "Where have you been, Jay? It's 7pm and you have an hour left to get ready!"

"I told Ashton I would take the bus home instead." I lied. The truth was Ashton never picked me up. It's either he forgot about it or he's still upset with what happened to dad. So Luke was insistent to take me home. We agreed to walk rather than take the bus simply because we still had so much to talk about. I was going to invite him in to have dinner with us because it was getting late already but he was skeptical to come in. It was probably because I told him my mom's boss was coming over.

My mom didn't wait for an explanation and zoomed back upstairs to finish dressing up. However she shouted from her room telling me to get the lasagna from the oven. I obediently did what I was told and set the lasagna on the middle of the table. I was overwhelmed by the exquisite food in front of me. Mashed potato; a plate of asparagus and ranch on the side; a platter of roasted chicken; and of course the lasagna I added to the table.

I made my way to my room upstairs and readied myself for a shower. Afterwards, I pulled out a pair of black leggings and a Sunday dress I've only worn once in my entire life and matched flat shoes with them. She did remind me to wear something formal and fancy. This was the closest thing I had next to the dress/gown from Junior's Prom last year.

"Ashton, where have you been?" I heard my mom shouting from downstairs. I stopped and leaned on the railing of the top step.

My mom continued scolding Ashton and I continued eavesdropping. "Didn't I ask you to pick up your sister? And I clearly instructed you were supposed to get her under any circumstances." I could imagine Ashton's demented face as he played with his fingers like he always did whenever he's nervous or pissed.

She continued ranting and starting the 'what-if's' situations so I decided to get down there to break them up until mom said, "I just don't want anything like what happened to your dad to happen to your sister." I stopped.

"Seriously, mom? What happened to dad wouldn't even have happened if it wasn't for my sister." Ashton finally spoke. I knew all along he blamed me no matter how much he tried to deny it. "I love Jay. I care about her. It's just that no matter how hard I tried, I just can't look at her the same anymore."

"Why can't you, Ash?" I exclaimed, walking down the stairs. My feet felt heavier to carry but I managed to get down and hold my ground.

He stared at me as if I returned from Tartarus with his lips parted, "Jay, I didn't mean it that way."

"You know it's funny," I scoffed. "I already knew you're mad at me in the back of your mind but it's just different hearing it from you directly."

Mom didn't look like she knew what to do so she stormed out and left us to fix our own issues.

"Admit it, you still blame me for dad's death. You know you do. You just said it." I felt my eyes burning as I blinked and a tear fell. "You're probably right anyway. I did kill him. It was my fault--all mine."

"Jaylene," He whispered faintly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and chuckled, "You never called me Jaylene." And I left but I didn't go to my room or the bathroom, I made my way to the front door and decided to take a walk, a long one.

"You best be looking where you're going." Someone caught and stopped me as soon as I got out. By instinct, I buried myself in the nape of the person's shoulder thankful because he happened to be here at the right time and place.

Once I became aware of my actions, I jerked back and I saw the confused look on the poor boy's face. I felt my ears burning up and noticing three other people behind him made my cheeks redder too.

"Are you alright?" He asked sounding more frightened than concerned. I rubbed my arms realizing it's 40 degrees and I'm here wearing a dress with my arms bare.

The man behind him shuffled forward, "You're Anne's daughter, Jaylene." I looked up and felt my chest tightened. It was my mom's boss.

"Mr. Hood," I bowed my head and turned to his family, "Mrs. Hood, Mali-koa," I shook their hands trying my hardest not to meet their eyes. "Good evening, Calum." Shaking his finally.

"What's wrong, Jay?" Mali asked. She was Mr. Hood's daughter who's at college majoring in business, following his family's tradition and probably inheriting the company.

"Nothing, nothing." I answered in an agitated tone. Clearing my throat, I gave them a weary smile.

"Why were you crying then?" Calum asked. He's Mr. Hood's youngest son of two. He's about my age, just months older. He goes to my school and I've known him for awhile now. I wouldn't even know he went to my school if my mom didn't introduce me to them at the wake. I was never the most social person. I had a small group of friends but nonetheless I believe I was in good terms with everyone.

I stuttered and lost my words but thankfully Mrs. Hood cut in and exclaimed, "Calum, her father had just past away five days ago. What kind of question is that?" God bless Mrs. Hood. I preached in my head. Smiling wider, I felt more confident because of this excuse. It wasn't completely a lie because it had something to do with my dad, just with Ashton in particular.

"How about we come inside for dinner?" I quickly shifted topics. I noticed their doubtful looks but I kept a wide smile on my face. I had to. My mom's reputation relied on how this dinner will go.

They seemed unsure of how I was acting but luckily Calum rested a hand on my shoulder and restated, "Who's hungry?"

(A/N): Hii. Thank you for the positive comments so far. The more you comment, the more motivated I am to update asap. I really do appreciate comments so much so it would mean the world if you do :) VOTE too. That would be rad. It's good to know even a few read this. haha. ;) SHARE to your friends and just others too! Follow me to be updated for new chapters via email and/or add this story to your library :)

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