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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

:: 23 :: SAT, April 26, 2014

"DUDE, you just shoved my girlfriend. How about you watch where you're going?" Those words rolled from Luke's tongue so smoothly.

I shrugged my shoulders, avoiding the mean glare from the man looking like he was in his late twenties. So I pulled Luke to keep walking.

"Welcome to New York City, kid." I heard the man holler in a thick Brooklyn accent as we continued walking heading the opposite direction. I squeezed Luke's hand telling him to let it pass but he turned around and yelled back, "I'm aware. I've lived here all my life!"

Sighing, I pushed on my heels and walked faster with Luke tagging right behind me. We passed random crowds, zooming too fast I failed to catch any faces. "You shouldn't have said anything, Luke."

"You almost flew across the floor, if I didn't catch you midair." He reasoned out. We passed more people as we made our way to our train's platform.

"He may be shorter than you but he was definitely buffer." I told him, eyeing back at him as we walked. "No offense, you're pretty lanky."

We found vacant seats at the far end of the platform. I sat down next to Luke and took my phone out. "I'd prefer 'tall kid with a fast metabolism.' "

"Exactly," I said ignorantly. "Lanky."

"You just want to find an excuse for me to give you a ride on my back later." He raised an eyebrow.

I checked the time on my phone before stuffing it back in my pocket. "Maybe," I answered him, flashing a smile.

Luke and I decided to go explore the city, something we never found the time to do as an official couple. Now that he's feeling a lot better (and so he told me), we thought this beautiful Saturday afternoon would be perfect. The plan was never definite except the part we'll be doing a lot of walking. "Wherever the wind takes us," As Luke would like to say.

A roaring wind hit our faces, making my hair fly all over the place. Subway stations were one of favorite places in the city, weirdly. It's not that I liked the noise, the weak wi-fi signals, the rats in the train tracks, or even the performers-I liked seeing people coming from different parts of the world. Actually, 'the world' is an understatement. Literally there's a huge variety of people here, ranging from tourists; businessmen; students to the hopeless dreamers trying to make it in the big city.

I've always been a firm believer of untold stories. I always thought every person in the train had different tales, much further from their cultural backgrounds. They all had unique stories to tell: about where they're going; where they're coming from and even the way they dressed and how they carried themselves. And that's something I found very interesting.

Soon, a train approached and we stood from our seats. Waiting for it to pull in a complete stop, we walked to one side of the door to let people get out then we entered. It's not a surprise we didn't find seats, the train was way packed than usual since it was rush hour.

We stood in a corner of the opposite doors. I looked short in the crowd so it made me think it was quite agonizing. It was never a problem to Luke, he towered everyone. Heck, he can hold onto the ceiling for balance.

"Where to first, captain?" I asked, looking up at Luke who wouldn't stop playing with his lip ring. He flinched, looking down at me with a weary smile. "We can walk around Time Square just for the hell of it then pass by any store you want."

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