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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

Ask me some questions at the end! Lol


:: 27 :: THU, May 1, 2014

"EVERYTHING happens for a reason, we don't make up our own decisions because it's already written in our stories what were supposed to do."

I remembered that time Luke brought me back to Sir Greysburg Funeral Building. Out of all places, he chose that place because it was his second home. I don't know if he still goes there but I certainly haven't. I got upset over him because I thought it was selfish of him to do that, knowing what I've been through. But I still forgave him, realizing he has his own struggles too.

That's what I don't understand. I still forgave him then; what's so bad with whatever it is this time for him to think I won't forgive him?

I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned my back on my seat. I tugged on my seatbelt and sighed loudly.

"Are you okay there, Jay?" Ashton asked, eyeing me slightly as he drove.

"Yeah," I nodded.

It bothered me how I was worrying about this whole situation. I'm sure it's not that big of a deal so I don't understand why Luke is fussing about this so much.

To take new heights? What game is he playing? I know I said I can never be mad at him but he's starting to get on my nerves.

"Are you sure Calum knows what that phrase means?" I asked agitatedly.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows while he kept his eyes on the road. "I hope so because I think I saw it on a wall somewhere in the company building when I dropped mom's papers one day."

"Hood's Distribution and Stocks Corporation? What does Luke have to do with mom's work?" Groaning, I sunk back in my seat. This isn't some Sherlock Holmes mystery case.

We reached the parkway of our house and got out of Ashton's car. Sitting on the last step of our porch was Dylan. She quickly stood up and ran to meet us. Fixing her glasses, she pulled out three yellow and blue cards. I looked at Ashton and he chuckled.

"I texted Dylan to join us because I know she has an unlimited stock of MetroCards." Ashton reasoned. It was true. Everyone had weird fetishes and Dylan's were MetroCards. I couldn't judge her for that. I have a fetish over tall, blonde John Green books.

"So I called Calum and he said he'll meet us in the building's lobby." Dylan said, passing down the cards. I put mine in my pocket while Ashton put his in his wallet.

"Wait," I interrupted. "What if mom sees us?"

"Oh yeah, let's stop by McDonald's when we get off the train first." Ashton said, raising an eyebrow.

"What, why?" Dylan asked.

Ashton narrowed his eyes at her as if he couldn't believe she was asking him that. He relaxed his shoulder then started walking closer and closer to Dylan.

He held up two fingers when he was face to face with her. "One: To bring my mommy some chicken nuggets and two: I'm starving."


The whole trip from the train ride to McDonald's was quiet between Ashton and Dylan. I figured things would be okay between them now but I guess it's still awkward. Dylan made sure she either sat beside me or walked behind me. I don't understand though. Ashton isn't scary at all.

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