310 Days Before

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(A/N): Read this chapter well. You'll find out why ;)

Make sure you've voted for the last chap :)

*Fast-forwarded three weeks from the last chapter, don't get confused lol*

:: 19 :: THU, April 12, 2014

"JAYLENE Irwin, are you kidding me?" Luke exclaimed through the phone. "Your Spring Formal is in about a week and you're telling me you don't have anything to wear?"

I sighed loudly, making sure he would hear me. "I was planning to wear my dress from Junior Prom but I didn't know it doesn't fit me anymore."

I stood in front of my bed, my one hand on my waist as I looked down on the ruffled blue green dress in front of me.

"And you decide to try it on a week before the Formal?" He laughed mockingly across the line.

"I've been quite busy in school, okay? Graduation is coming up in three months and I've been making up for my high school credits since I've been absent a lot this school year." I told him. I don't know how I managed to be in the honor roll all year round when I'm missing pretty much a quarter of the school requirements. I guess my test scores helped big time.

"College," He voiced faintly. "I forgot what universities I even applied to. Can you blame me for completely forgetting about graduation?" Luke has told me about how he's doing in school, pretty good actually. He has straight A's, nothing really surprising. You could expect that from a walking John Green book.

"I just realized I haven't asked you what you want to do with your life yet." I told him as I sat on the edge of my bed. "Like what are you taking in college? What profession do you want to take up?"

I heard him chuckle, "Honestly, Jay-I want to be a teacher."

"A teacher?" I snorted. "The famous Luke Hemmings wants to be a teacher? No offense, Luke but I think you're capable of so much more."

It was true. Luke can be a psychiatrist, a journalist, a philosopher (does that still exist?), a scientist who can discover a new brand of hair gel, even a doctor for crying out loud! I bet a guy who carried a first aid kit wherever he went has the potential to be a world renowned neurologist.

"Why not?" He defended. I heard a roar in the background coming from his TV. He had told me he was watching a basketball game. I never got boys' obsession over sports (in exception of basketball, the only sport I can play and stand. However, I haven't touched one since the accident).

"Convince me, Luke." I said rather abruptly. "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

"I guess it's because I want to meet people before they get corrupted by society or to the least, while they're being corrupted. I want to be a high school teacher since it's hell. It's not that I want to see kids suffer as we are now but I guess in a way guide them to where they want to end up on the right path."

"Not so convinced yet," I told him.

He groaned, "Teenagers nowadays are too pressured and by the time we become adults, teenagers would be homologous to asylum patients. I want to understand from an adult's perspective. I want to meet future doctors, lawyers, even drug dealers and maybe pop stars in the making. I don't know, I always thought that would be cool."

I smiled to myself, "Fine, I'm sold."

"What do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Frankly, I'm not so sure myself. However, one thing I'm sure of is that I want to live a life full of regrets and joy balanced with one another, neither overweighing." I told him.

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