167 Days Before

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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

Boring update and unedited oops.

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:: 44 :: TUE, September 2, 2014

A WEEK felt like a day. Time went by swiftly, too soon Luke was leaving for North Carolina and that's when the small circus in my stomach came back to visit again, causing me to become nauseous again over the thought of never seeing him after that.

I was too occupied with taking care of Luke that I didn't get to enjoy the rest of my summer anymore.

Right after Ashton and I visited Luke the first time together, we made it a regular thing. We rented DVDs daily and we would watch them together at Luke's house when he was discharged from the hospital.

Our Mom became skeptical about our whereabouts and I knew she was bound to find out anyway. She sat with me in the living room, telling me it'll be okay.

As for Calum, they found out when I called them at six in the morning, asking if he could give us a ride. It was the same morning Luke and I shared our intimate time on top of the funeral building, talking about our indefinite future and lives.

Calum who I've never seen look inferior and defeated, shed a fair amount of tears as he eyed us from the front seat of his car. I held Luke in my arms, keeping him warm as he shivered underneath my sweater wrapped around his shoulders.

He knew after that. He knew Luke was sick.

After we dropped Luke at his house, I sat in the passenger's seat in front. He asked me. I told him. I told him all about Luke. Although he did not know Luke had anything to do with my father's death, he assured me there wouldn't be any case. Michael wasn't going to jail.

Dylan was last to find out. I thought she would have been mortified that I didn't tell her first, considering she's my best friend but she wasn't. She was more terrified at the news delivered to her. We went out for ice cream afterwards because she knew it would make me feel better.

The night before Luke's egress, the "crew" decided to throw a "going away dinner". We threw it at his place while him and Liz were at the doctor's to undergo some examinations to ensure he'll be safe to travel.

Everyone brought home cooked meals and by everyone I meant the Irwins, Calum, Dylan and even Michael. I invited him, told him to attend just for Luke and he did. I introduced him around, everyone made him feel at home, even Dylan who briefly met him months ago and referred to him as Luke's "punk-y friend". Calum however was rather cryptic, meeting Michael for he knew him too well considering that was the first time they ever met. I didn't tell Michael who Calum really was as I assumed he had no idea Calum was a Hood since he greeted him nicely and shook his hand.

We started the night with a prayer together, wishing Luke a safe trip and time there. We all said our personal intentions, even Maya who was sitting on a wheel chair at the far end of the table next to Liz. Maya wasn't coming with them. She was too old and disabled to travel. That's why she's checked in to a nursing home in Flushing the first thing tomorrow morning. And she was completely aware of everything that's been going on. Just because she has Alzheimer's doesn't mean she's completely lost it.

I was grateful - blessed to be surrounded by people who supported and cared for me and Luke. I told Luke we would fight this war together and we are and we will. It felt good for once to be loved and remembered.


"Whatever happens, happens." I nodded my head, pressing my forehead against Luke's.

He cupped my cheeks in both of the palm of his hands. He smiled wearily at me and said, "I'll see you again. I promise I will."

"Don't promise me the uncertainty." I shook my head, "Just promise me the attainable. Promise me you'll fight, that you won't give up. Whatever of the outcome, promise me you'll end up on top. Kick that tumor's ass. It's your body. Show it you're the boss."

Luke pressed his lips against mine, kissing me so fervidly, almost lustfully. We didn't care anyone was looking at us. I dipped my head and let him kiss me as I kissed him back.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Luke whispered in my ear, lifting me up and twirling me. Oh dear, I begged him to put my down not because I was embarrassed or scared he would drop me but because I was worried he would tire himself.

I cupped my hands around his ear and said to him, giggling, "You better come back, healthy or else there wouldn't be any Olivia, Daniel and Sofia."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"I love you, Lukey Pukey." I told him.

"You'll always be my poopy." Luke replied.

We shared a couple more goodbyes until they finally entered the airport gates.

Luke and his Mom, Liz, departed at exactly 10:47 am on a rainy September 2nd. I was there. Ashton was there. Dylan was there. Calum was there. Michael was there. We were all there for Luke. He had a smile plastered on his face when he left. He felt loved, needed and important for once. We wanted that for him. I wanted that for him. If there was one person in this world who deserved to leave a dense mark in people's hearts and minds, it was Luke.

A hand rested on my shoulder. It was Michael's. He didn't say a word at all, just looked at me as he flashed me a crippled smile. I knew why he was smiling. Partly to hide his sadness but mostly because everything was going to go as he planned it to be.

Michael wasn't a villain in this game, he just wanted what's best for all of us. It's just unfortunate he wanted something different.

I gave up convincing him otherwise for he was surely convinced with what future he wanted to pursue. I just riches to understand the underlying reason because frankly, I was still just another pawn on the board who still hasn't learned how to play.


lucifer wants you to tell him your honest opinion on treacherous ٩๏̯͡)۶

Lucifer also wants to let you know there's approx. six more chapters of treacherous left ٩๏̯͡)۶

Lucifer is annoying af but adorable.

This is the last chapter before I go back to school in two days. So uhm slow updates yeah?

Please take time to idk tweet about the treacherous fanfic on twitter :) that would make me vvv happy. :')

Question of the day: will you tweet about treacherous? huehuehue.

-Sofia the Everest

@lukeanillusion on twitter, follow me on wattpad too!

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