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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :)

:: 9 :: WED, March 5, 2014

I HAVEN'T seen Luke for five days. Marilyn had told me he switched shifts this week with Josiah, the curly, brown haired guy in the red shirt, whom I met earlier this week. When I asked Marilyn the reason why he switched, she just laughed and walked away. I tried texting him and even calling him, it was almost like he seized to exist and I was contacting a wall. No reply.

Calum has been picking me up after my shift ended and driving me home. Occassionally, we would go get Chinese food before dropping me off. I enjoyed Calum's company, one being because he hadn't shown any sign of making a move on me yet. Another reason is because he's--well Calum.

I closed my book and pushed them aside. I finally finished all of my assignments, both I missed and for break. I guess that's the only good thing about Luke's disappearance. Speaking of the devil, my phone rang and I was happy to see who the caller ID was.

"Luke Hemmings! Where the hell have you been all this time?" I practically screamed. I heard him laugh on the line.

"I've been doing stuff." He answered. I missed his deep voice. So much.

"What stuff? Was it so hard to even text me 'hello'?" I rolled my eyes. I could imagine him plopped across his bed as he stared at his ceiling.

"Are you busy right now?" He asked.

"Just finished homework, why?"

"Awesome, get ready and come downstairs when you're done." He blurted. "I'm outside, waiting for you."

"Outside?" I hopped off my bed and peaked through my curtains. Seeing a familiar Camry car, I saw Luke leaning against the car, smiling as he put his phone down.

"Be down in five." I smiled and dropped the call.

Once I was done, I ran downstairs and wrote on a sticky note:


I'm going outside with a friend.

I promise promise PROMISE I'll be back before five.



My mom was furious about what happened last Monday but she was nice enough to let me go with a warning. I will never abuse her trust and so I meant it this time when I said I'll be back by five.

Passing by the living room after I taped the note on the fridge, I went to say goodbye to Ashton who's been sitting on the couch and watching TV for the past four hours. I slapped his knee to get his attention.

"Where you going?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Out, having a social life unlike somebody." I joked. "Don't you have friends?"

"I do," He slapped his hand on his chest, pretending to look offended. "F.Y.I. Calum is coming at seven to watch the football game with me. So ha! I do have plans for myself too."

"Literally all you do is watch T.V. and sleep. Go outside sometimes. The break is ending in three days!" I reminded him. Ashton's literally the laziest person in the whole world. I don't even know how he managed to get in college. Never mind, he's pretty smart (surprisingly).

"I go outside...for work." He sunk in his seat but jerked back when his betting team made a win. I will never understand football. The only sport I knew by heart was basketball and it's because I played when I was in middle school. I haven't touched a basketball in five months when it happened. I can't believe it's already been that long. We've been adjusting lately but we all had times when we'd just zone out and imagine he's still here with us, just in a business trip somewhere far away. Mom has been holding on with all of the finances and stuff. Apparently Mr. Hood gave her a raise. I'm just hoping the fact Calum and I got closer had nothing to do with it.

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