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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

:: 14 :: MON, March 10, 2014

"ARE you okay?" I looked up from my desk and found Dylan examining every detail of my face. I couldn't help but keep quiet the whole day and I felt terrible not talking to Dylan as much today.

I shook my head and smiled at her, "I couldn't be any better." I lied. The truth was I'm still in trance from two nights ago. Once Luke left, I didn't leave my room at all. I ate dinner in my room, unable to face Ashton and the smirk he would have on his face.

I also feel terrible breaking my own promise. I just couldn't forget anything that happened that day. Everything hit me all at once and I was left dumbfounded. I haven't seen Luke since then and I've gotten used to it. We weren't obligated to meet up everyday and it's understandable because we went to different schools. Sometimes I wish we didn't, I would much rather see his face than the ghost images in the hallways who once went up to me to express their condolences and now couldn't even look at me in the eye.

Dylan tilted her head to her side and scoffed to herself before she stood from her seat, slamming her books shut.

"Ms. Hernandez, what are you doing? The bell hasn't rung yet. Sit down, please." Called out Mr. Brown, our history teacher. Dylan embarrassingly sat back down as quiet chuckling emerged around the room.

"Thank you," Mr. Brown began walking around the class, passing packets down the row. "I know everyone's excited for the exam this Wednesday and you all know I love you so dearly...I made review packets for you."

"Jay, wanna go to the library tomorrow to study?" Dylan leaned in and whispered. I simply nodded my head and returned my attention to the board.

Once the bell finally rang, I stuffed my binder in my bag and followed Dylan out the classroom. The hallways were crowded as always, extra crowded because eighth period was finally over.

"Jay, I'm hungry. Can we go get something to eat?" Dylan asked as she stopped in front of her locker.

"I have work today, Dyl." I sighed, leaning onto someone's locker.

"I swear this job of yours is tearing us apart." She taunted while putting her notebooks in her locker.

"It's good, actually. The kids are a pleasure." I boasted. It was true. I've grown attached to them and it's as if I've found new little siblings of my own.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" She huffed, shutting her locker. "Just a year ago, you said you hated children and I quote 'I wake up to the beautiful sound of children crying everyday.' "

"They're actually nice. I don't know why I even said that and I would appreciate it if you stop reminding me about it." I started walking with her to my locker, just around the corner.

"You sure it's not because you get to see a hot guy play with babies for hours?" She teased, raising an eyebrow at me.

We passed through crowds until we finally reached my locker. "Please stop referring to him as 'hot guy', 'cute dude' or whatever silly nicknames you come up with."

I breathed deeply as I worked my hands with my lock. "But he is cute and hot." She defended.

"And he has a name. It's Luke and it's not that hard to remember." I opened my locker and put in some notebooks I didn't need for tomorrow.

"I'm surprised you haven't made any move on him yet. If I were you, I would've been all over him." She waved her hand in the air. Dylan was very good with boys and not in a slutty way. She have had three boyfriends all her life: Jasper (the guy we both 'dated'), Tommy (her first actual boyfriend in ninth grade) and Sam (She dated him last year in junior year and she's still not over him). And then there's me; lucky to have Jasper to boast about at least.

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