The Day

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Was it coincidental for two events to fall on the same day? Apparently so.

I'll miss him. I'll miss his blonde hair. I'll miss his blue eyes. I'll miss his lip ring. I'll miss his black, skinny jeans that are always so tight. I'll miss his stupid band tees. I'll miss hearing his laugh. I'll miss his metaphors. I'll miss his deep voice. I'll miss everything and every aspect that made of Luke Hemmings. I'll miss him most of all.

I walked down the aisle I never thought I would walk too soon. Funeral flower stands were in place of bouquets. Black dresses were in place of white gowns. Sad and gloomy faces were in place of happy ones. A funeral was in place of a wedding.

I smiled sadly at the thought of seeing Luke waiting for me at the end. I mean he still was. He's just not standing up or miserably fixing his tie. He was laying down, peacefully and worry free. That's all that matters to me. He was free from suffering.

Somehow I did keep my promise. I told him he would be okay and he was okay. He's in a better place now. As for dying, he didn't really for his soul lives on, the memories we shared lives on, his name and pictures live on, Luke Hemmings lives on. He's just walking a different path now, one with a higher and easier slope.

For the tumor in Luke's brain had spread and taken full control of his body, kicking the healthy cells and even his soul out. Luke died in a peaceful way. When his eyes closed, they never opened. He left the world in his sleep while the rest of us were awake. I was there when he left. I held his hand like it was literally the only thing I wanted to hold onto. I felt his pulse speed up then slow down until there wasn't any anymore.

There's one thing that irked me in all of this. It was unfair. I thought it was unfair for a boy just eighteen was taken away from us. It was unfair for a boy who had done nothing criminal to leave us so soon. It was just unfair tHAT SOFIA IS PLAYING TRICKS WITH US. el oh el.



This was a false chapter.

There's still like 7 more chapters for treacherous so Ermergerd nooo.

Are you crying?

Okay, save your death threats.

But if you must, just send them on (you don't need an acc to ask)


Or on twitter @lukeanillusion


Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

-Sofia the life ruiner x

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