Do Some Damage

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"Do you really have to rub it in?" Lucas sighed, sitting down in one of the leather chairs as Axsel sucked my blood hungrily. A long table stood before the staircase, with six leather seats.

Lucas sat in one of the right hand side ones, facing us.

Axsel looked up and I felt my chest squeeze painfully as his fangs slide out my skin.

"She's mine. And I'm hungry. I don't call that rubbing it in," he said, watching Lucas carefully.

"You're feeding on something I can't have in front of me. I call that rubbing it in. If you're not careful," Lucas said, propping his head up with his elbow on the armrest,"I'll feed on her when you're not around."

"You know the consequences for that," Axsel said, his grip on my arms tightening painfully.

Lucas sighed, smiling maliciously.

"It'd be completely worth it. Might even break our damned curse!" He laughed.

I gasped as Axsels' grip tightened again, this time squeezing my bones.

"Oh careful brother dear," Lucas smirked, his eyes meeting mine,"You might break your dear little toy if you're too rough with her."

"Watch your tongue," Axsel said coldly, releasing my arms. I stumbled away, gripping the back of a seat.

"Oh? Looks like you played a bit too rough with her. Humans are such fragile things," Lucas laughed, standing up. In a blur he stood behind me, grabbing both my wrists.

He pulled them up, pulling me closer.

"Stop," I croaked as his tongue lashed out and traveled down the side of my neck.

"My but I am going to enjoy feeding on you. Even just your skin is delightful," Lucas murmured into the crook of my neck.

I shivered as his breath hit my skin and Axsel sat at the head of the table.

"Stop toying with her, Lucas. She has asked you to stop once already. Don't force me to make you regret not listening to her," Axsel said, leaning back into his seat.

His was grander than the others, the actual cushion made of a red plush material and a wooden high back. His arm rests were carved to resemble the snarling heads of lions, the rest of the wooden seat carved with ancient looking ruins and intricate designs. The whole thing reminded me of a throne.

Lucas sighed again, looking at Axsel.

"Do I have to stop?" He asked.

Axsel glared at him sharply and he sighed again.

"Fine," Lucas muttered.

His grip disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared and I collapsed, breathing heavily.

"She is ever so fragile. Perhaps it would be better if she stayed with me. I can be ever so gentle," Lucas said, eyeing me hungrily from his seat.

"By gentle you mean barbaric and hasty," a new voice said.

Lucas snarled as my head whipped towards the door.

A new handsome figure stood there, his eyes as gold as everyone else's. They settled on me and seemed to smile.

"Do you need help?" He asked, offering me his hand.

"Ass kisser," Lucas muttered, sinking power in his seat.

"I do believe I'm well mannered. Something you could stand to learn," the newcomer said, helping me up.

His hair was short, ruffled and a dirty blonde, blending almost perfectly with his tanned skin.

His muscles showed through his plain black shirt and warmth radiated from his chest as he held me close.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Readen," he said, pulling my hand up to his lips. He gently pressed his lips to my knuckles, surprising me with his gentle touch.

"Wait so you'll allow that bottom feeder to taste her but not me? I must say but that isn't fair," Lucas protested, sitting up sharply.

"He's not tasting her. He's simply being a gentlemen," Axsel replied, watching us.

The newcomer stepped back and bowed, smiling at me.

"Suck up," Lucas growled, baring his fangs.

"Shut up Lucas," Axsel said,"So glad you could make it Damon."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," the newcomer laughed, his laugh sending chills down my spine.

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