Takes Guts

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I said nothing, but bit my lip, anger burning through my eyes.

The boy laughed, brushing his thumb across my lips.

"My my, but aren't you stunning?" He laughed.

Until I bit his thumb.

He snarled and ripped his hand away, smiling a strained smirk.

"Feisty aren't we?" He chuckled.

"Let me go," I snapped, shaking my wrists.

"Well boys? Whadda say? Should we let our lovely little miss here go? Or should we have our way?" The boy said, looking up.

"I'd rather have a drink. I'm thirsty," a voice to my left said.

"I agree," a voice said to my right.

"Well Little Miss. Looks like we'll get to feed," the boy said, grinning back at me.

I tried feebly to back away as he bared his teeth, revealing fangs.

"You know what we are then. Good. This'll make it so much easier," he said, laughing as I looked at him in fear.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelped, trying to shake my wrists loose even more frantically.

"Jamie that's enough. She's off limits," a smooth voice said from behind me.

"Says who?" Jamie growled, his fangs inches from my neck.

"Dante," the person replied.

"Dante? Ah that explains the scent. Axsel must have claimed her," Jamie said, his gold eyes looking over me as if I bore him. He sighed and stood up,"What a pity. I was ever so hungry."

He motioned and the grips on my wrists disappeared.

I fell to the floor, gasping for air. I had unconsciously been holding my breath.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking up.

Jamie smiled down at me, his short black hair clashing with his eyes because of the blood red tips.

"I'm Jamie as I'm sure you've figured out by now. Such a pleasure to meet you," he said, offering me his hand.

I stared at it, then looked away, refusing to take it.

"You do insult me," Jamie chuckled, letting his hand fall to his side.

"She doesn't trust you. After all you did just try and feed on her," the voice from before said.

I looked up as a new pair of legs appeared before me, my eyes meeting the gaze of a handsome boy.

His eyes were an unnatural grey, almost dull.

He offered me his hand.

I hesitated then stood up, my eyes looking at the ground.

"Haha! It seems she doesn't trust you much either," Jamie laughed.

The other boy withdrew his hand, staring at me.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"No need for thanks. Jamie here is quite harmless," the boy said, his eyes blank.

I bit my lip, looking down.

"Oh yes. How rude of me. I'm Thomas," he said,"And those two idiots are Dace and Cade."

I turned sharply, almost completely forgetting about the two who had held me down.

"Hi. The name's Cade," the one on the left said, waving innocently.

"Nice to meet ya," the other said.

They looked similar with their short, cropped brown hair and grey eyes, yet Dace obviously couldn't duck as his nose was at an odd angle, as if it had previously been broken.

"You're...twins?" I asked, the image of Clyde and Claude slipping through my head.

The two looked at each other, grinning widely.

"Triplets actually," a familiar voice said,"Thomas is the third."

I spun back round coming face to face with a pair of familiar blue eyes. Strong hands gripped my arms reassuringly.

"Easy there Rae. Relax," Dante said, looking down at me with a sharks grin, his eyes an unsettling blue.

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