The Stars (Axsel POV)

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"This is the castle?" I asked, looking back at Samantha.

She grinned at me, unscathed. "Of course. You think I'd lie to you? The original Dracula?"

"I still don't think that she's willingly giving up Dante's position," Lucas muttered.

"We have no other choice. Every second Raeden is with him, is a second too long," I said looking up.

An old medieval castle sat on the hilltop, vines growing through the thick cobblestone and giving it an abandoned look.

I smirked. "Besides, He chose this place for a reason."

The twins stood on ether side of Samantha, watching with blank looks. Migael stood to my left, looking pissed off with his arms crossed.

Damon regarded the castle with boredom.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked, glancing at me.

"This castle is the only place in history where a vampire was ever killed. The humans know it as the place where Dracula was killed, but considering that he's standing right before us , it was a different vampire. Your daddy dearest if I'm not mistaken," Samantha smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lucas looked at me in shock. "Is it true?" He asked.

"Yes. This is my home," I said, my throat dry,"Transylvania."

I pushed open the giant steel doors easily that would've taken ten men to even move it.

They hit the walls with hollow sounds.

"Dante!" I called, walking inside.

"Brother dearest. Is there any reason for such theatrics?" Dante sighed.

A grand staircase lead up to the second floor, although the lavish floors were cracked and dusty. The once grand chandelier was broken, half of it shattered. Broken furniture littered the floor, covered in dust.

"Yes, it is quite sad how broken this castle is. Remember when it was new? We held balls every day, a new women in our bed by every night. We lived like royalty! Men wanted to be us and women wanted to be with us!" Dante laughed. He stood at the top of the staircase.

"And then you grew jealous," I replied.

"No! You betrayed me! You went behind my back and stole her!" He screamed, temporarily losing his calm composure.

"She chose me brother dearest," I said, putting emphasis on 'brother dearest'.

Dante sighed, smoothing his hair.

"We shall have to disagree on that brother," he smiled,"But surely you did not come all this just to argue with me?"

"No. I came to return your scum. It somehow wondered into my mansion," I said, stepping to the side and revealing Samantha.

"Dante," she said, bowing her head.

"Samantha...I am disappointed," he said, looking down at her with contempt.

She smiled, bowing her head again. "I know Dante."

"You allowed yourself to be caught by fools. Pathetic. You know what to do," he said, turning his nose up at her.

She nodded, still smiling. "Of course Dante."

"What're you gonna do? Kill yourself?" Lucas snarled.

The other 4 boys watched, their gold eyes flickering from one person to the next.

"Kill myself? I have no intention of going out like a coward," Samantha replied, uncrossing her arms.

I barely had a second to blink before she leapt at me, screaming.

I sighed and grabbed her mid air, holding her up by her neck.

"Setting your dogs on me already brother?" I asked, looking up at him.

Samantha was gripping my wrist, kicking and gurgling as her air was cut off.

Dante laughed. "You are funny Brother. But you forget: I am better at everything."

He moved to the side and my eyes widened.

A beautiful girl stood there, her light hair done up in a beautiful bun with strands framing her face. Diamond jewelry glittered among the stands, making it look as if she wore a crown.

The dress she wore had a tight fitting bodice that swelled into loose folds as it neared her waist. The whole dress was a golden brown. It was sleeveless, although she wore sleeves that started just off her shoulders, turning into frills as it neared her hands.

Her skin was fair, her eyes a beautiful shade of natural amber and gold. Her eyes met mine, then cast down as if she were embarrassed.

She took a step forward, standing next to Dante.

"Beautiful isn't she?" He asked, stroking her cheek with his knuckle and smirking at me.

Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her as she looked at me.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I dropped Samantha, looking at the beautiful girl.

I smiled up at her. "Raeden..."

Hey guys! So I just realized that not once have I described Raeden( terrible I know 😂) so I thought I'd do this chapter. Correct me if I got any details wrong but other than that, just enjoy! I put in a few Dracula references (lame I know but don't judge) decided to update early as well 😂Don't forget to comment and vote!

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