Tall Tales

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"Will he really do it? Really kill me?" I asked softly.

We sat on the bed, my head buried in the pillows. We had sat there for the past few hours, not moving, not talking. Just laying.

Lucas sat on the edge, watching me with sympathy. He had a faraway look in his eyes as he looked at me.

"I don't know with him anymore. He's so shaken up with everything..." His voice trailed off as his eyes grew sadder.

"Who is he?" I asked, looking at Lucas.

Lucas shrugged . "He's Axsel."

"I've known him for less than an a week and...to me, I see a monster. I see a monster, playing at being human," I whispered.

Lucas watched me, silent. "He wasn't always like this. I wasn't always like this," he said, smiling softly.

I looked at him, speechless. I had never seen the sweet side of Lucas, only the side that had been mad with the need to posses me.

"It's true that that we were monsters, but...well I can't justify our actions. We were afraid of what the humans could do. Axsel thought he was protecting us by coming up with the legend of Dracula and for a while, that was true. People cowered at the mention of Dracula and Transylvania. And then people started hunting him. He did the only thing he could: he fought back. Needless to say, his strength and skills meant he never had any chance of losing. They were slaughtered. He did...somethings he wasn't proud of, but he did it all to protect us," Lucas sighed.

"To protect you? But why show what he was? What kind of monsters live in the world? And why choose the prince of Wallachia as the cover story?" I asked.

Lucas laughed, smiling at me. "He didn't use that as a cover story: he was the Prince of Wallachia. We, on the other hand, were merely boys he had found. We were being hunted by the humans, suspected of being vampires. We were hiding from the villagers and accidentally hid near the castle. The guards captured us and took us to him. He took pity on us and from that moment, he called us nothing less than his brothers. We owe everything to him."

Lucas paused, sighing again.

"The only human who ever managed to change his mind about human nature was Annette Van Helsing."

"Abraham Van Helsing?"

"Is that what Bram called her? I suppose in those days, a women saving the world was not adequate. Bram always did detest romances and the story of Vlad The Impaler falling in love with a mere human woman would cause outrage."

"You knew Bram Stoker?"

"Yes. Bram saved us by spinning a story that the great Dracula had been hunted down and killed. He was in the court of Vald and wanted to help the Prince. Or at least that's what he said," Lucas spoke with a bitter sweet tone, as if he had bad memories.

"Vlad...that's Axsel isn't it?"

Lucas watched me, then smiled. "Yeah. That was."

"Why'd he change his name?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Why?" Lucas stopped, considering his answer,"I think he wanted to forget who he had become. He wanted to be someone else. Someone better."

I watched him, my mouth agape as silence settled over us, Lucas trapped in the memories of a past I could never understand.

A past I would never understand.

Hey guys so I'm only supposed to update once a week but I was hit by the inspiration train(and my mom's car) and I decided to update today as well. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!

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