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I raced up the stairs, into my room and slammed the door shut. Not only was I angry at my mother, but I felt pity for myself. Why couldn't both of my parents be here for me? What happened to the whole term of 'family'

I grabbed an overnight bag and threw a few clothes and shoes in there I might need. I grabbed my car keys and jetted towards the door, I need some where to go and stay. 

My father. He'll understand. He always does. While driving to my father's house, I could feel the tears around the rim of my eyes trying to escape, but I don't let them. Crying isn't going to help me or my situation. 

I parked into my father's driveway, took my luggage and rang the doorbell. Melanie came to the door with the biggest smile, then it fades when she saw my overnight bag. Since she wasn't making any gestures to allow me in I welcomed myself into the house. The TV was on a football game and obviously too loud since my father yelled, "Who's at the door, Mel?" Melanie walked to the couch where my father was sitting and said, "Your daughter." then rolled her eyes. She needed to lose the attitude because I didn't need her, I need my dad right now.

I ignored her and made my way in front of him, blocking the TV. 

"She kicked me out." I said. His eyebrows drew together and had a confused look on his face. He grabbed the remote and lowered the volume of the TV. 

Then he said, "What are you talking about?" I exhaled loudly and explained everything that happened back at the house and not forgetting my mother's exact words. "Then go live with your father! We don't need an extra person living here, we don't got that kind of money anymore, with your wanna-be 'fancy' ass!"  

I continued "So If I could just stay with you now-" 

"Chanel, watch your mouth and you can't stay here." 

"W..W..Why? Why can't I stay?" I stammered. 

"You have to go back to your mother, she's probably worried about you right now," 

For the first time today, I had to laugh. Was he serious? Worried about me? "Aren't you the one who's always saying I don't come to visit you enough?" Tears were still trying to escape my eyes. He looked over at Melanie and she sighed and then rolled her eyes again. This time I didn't ignore her. "What's your problem?" I snapped. She chuckled, stood up from the couch and turned to my dad. "You can take care of that." Then left the room. That? 

 "You're going to let her talk to me like that?" I yelled on top of my lungs. I never yelled at my father before and never would think of disrespecting him, but right now he was putting her before me.  

"Chanel, stop." He said, not raising his voice and he clearly looked irritated. 

I gripped my bag, and left the house. He didn't even look one bit worried. Now all the tears that I was fighting back streamed down my face. I started crying heavily and I couldn't control it. 

I made my way back home, then turning into Kristian's street. Kristian opened the door and the tears continued to stream down my face. I need someone to talk to, vent to. And Kristian has always been there for me and I'ce always been there for him. He opened the door, allowing me in. I fell into his arms and he held me while I poured my heart out, staining his shirt with my tears. I felt safe in his arms and didn't ever want to let go. 

"What happened?" He whispered in my ear, trying to get me to calm down. "Why are you crying?" He asked again. What always happens, I wanted to say. He looked over at my overnight bag and read my mind. 

"Call your dad." He suggested.

"I just left his house." 

"Why didn't he let you stay?" 

I shrugged. "His girlfriend is more important than me. So he told me to go back home." I could have always imagined my mother doing something like this, which she has proved less then an hour ago, wishing I would just leave so her and Charles could live 'happily ever after'.  

Mrs. Reed walked through the door and stared at me, then said, "What's wrong, Baby girl?" She sat down beside me and patted my back. "Stop crying, everything's going to be alright." She said, not even knowing what was wrong. That's how Mrs. Reed is. She'll say something encouraging, not bothering to wait for you to explain your situation. After I leave, she'll ask Kristian and he'll be forced to fill her in. Although she might not look like it, Mrs. Reed loves gossip like no other. But she doesn't go and tell everybody's business which is why I kind of trust her in some way. 

She stood up straight and walked in the kitchen with Max, Kristian's four-year-old brother following behind her. 

I waited till they both are out of earshot, knowing she'll ask Kristian after I leave, then I fill him in. Hearing myself explain the predicaments I was involved in, I realized I sounded more and more like a record stuck on repeat. Every time something happened I would go either to him or Lexi. 

I tried to get a hold of Jayden for the rest of the night. I tried calling, no answer. I also texted him at least fifty times. No text back. I know I ticked him off but the least you could do was let me apologize, so we can get back to the lovey-dovey couple that we were. 

I found myself thinking about him every second when I was with Kristian. I also attempted to reach him again. Still no answer. How long was he going to be angry with me? I hope not for long. Jayden was a part of my life and losing him now over a little argument would break my heart into pieces. I have to fix this.

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