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"I am! Chanel, I'm in love with you! Why can't you see that? I've loved since the first I saw you." Kristian blurted, and a tear streamed down my face. Kristian wiped it away with his thumb.

He lifted my chin. "Say something." But I was at lost of words. I couldn't find the right words to say. Of course I felt the same way but this just seemed like too much to handle right. This is what I wanted for soo long. I couldn't fight back my feelings anymore.

I sighed and smiled. "It took you long enough to say something." He laughed, then leaned down and kissed me. Those soft, lustrous lips. A shiver went through my body. His lips on mine felt like electricity.

We broke the kiss and he simply said, "Break up with him." This is what I was afraid of. How am I gonna do that? Jayden and I were just getting back on track. Now I have to break up with him? Of course I wanted to be with Krisitan since like the third grade. But at the same time I didn't want to hurt Jayden. I wanted to see where we could go, but if I want this with Kristian, that won't be possible.

I let out a groan of frustration. "I don't know, Kris..."

He sighed. "What don't you know?" I could tell he was getting frustrated.

"Breaking up with him. I don't know-"

"Chanel, he ain't about it. He don't deserve you. You're worth so more than you think." He said and another tear found its way down my cheek again. And Kristian wiped it away again. Why am I so emotional right now? He went back to the bed. "Come here."

I shook my head. "Answer me this."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Why was she over here? Adrienne. You like her?" Him bringing Adrienne here was mad disrespectful.

He chuckled, but I didn't see what was so funny. I hate to admit it, but I was feeling jealous. Which is so not me. "She's just a friend. I tried getting serious with her but you stayed on my mind. All the time. She's nice. But it was nothing. I swear."

I contemplated on whether I should believe him or not. And surprisingly, I did. Considering the fact that I didn't trust many people. But it was different with him. He's been my best friend for years. I trusted him with everything.

I walked over to him. He sat me on his lap. One of his hands were around my waist and the other on my thigh. Neither one of us said anything, while he traced circles with this index finger on my thigh.

So I spoke up. "Just give me time okay?" He nodded and stared at me.

"Take your time. I don't wanna rush or force you into anything you don't want to do."

I smiled. At the thought of him, me, us. And how gentle he's being with me right now.

"And if I found out that she was something different other than what you told me, you could find yourself with no balls." I said, which made him bust out laughing. He started chocking on his soda and his cheeks turned red. After his laughing fit, he said, "I would never do that to you, baby." Baby? Him calling me baby sent chills through my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

He continued, "Thanks for the heads up, but Hell naw! My balls ain't coming off!" I laughed.

For the rest of the day, we cuddled on his bed and watched movies. I was laying on his bare chest and tracing his tattoo right under his collarbone. And he was caressing me and running his hands around my body.

I knew I had to go home soon. But I wanted this. Forever. I wanted us to stay like this. With no interruptions. This is real. The one thing I've been waiting for. I lifted my head and kissed him passionately. I started smiling through the kiss.

"What you smiling for?" He smirked.

I responded, "You."


I promise chapter 24 will be longer, since this one is super short... JUST WAIT ON IT!

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