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I met Lexi at the mall at exactly three o'clock. She looked really different, but I could still tell that was Lexi. She dyed her light brown hair to a jet black and burgundy ombre, which was curled. She also got nose ring on her right nostril just like me. I had to say, she looked cute! I guess changing things up isn't so bad after all.

I needed some changing too.

After two hours of shopping we decided to stop at Cold Stone Creamery.

"So, how are you and Jayden?" Lexi asked, then mumbled, "Cheating ass dog, ugh."

I chuckled and smiled. "We're good... Reallll good."

She gasped. "I KNOW you didn't do what I think you did."

"Oh my gosh, NO!" I said, laughing. "What you've been doing for the past two days that I didn't see you?" I continued, arching my eyebrow at her.

She smiled mischievously. "I did it." Did what? She must've been reading my mind and the confusion look on my face when she repeated herself. "I did it, Chanel. Like did the dirty, I did it."

"WHAT? OH MY GOSH! WHEN?" I almost screamed. "I didn't see you for two days and you done dyed your hair and pierced your nose and had... sex?" Now Lexi's life seems to be changing too quickly. And I just had to know who it was. I know she didn't have a boyfriend or anything right now. So I asked.

"Noooobody." She said. Not the answer I wanted. I asked again.

"It's nobody you'll know." She smiled that mischievous smile again. I started to get irritated. Shouldn't she be willing to share that kind of information with me? We've been best friends for how long, seven years? If it were me I wouldn't waste anytime to tell her.

I brought up Melanie being pregnant and she seemed just as bothered as I am by it. We continued talking and shopping until around seven, but Lexi asked if I could sleep over at her house, and I gladly took up the offer since I leave for cheer camp tomorrow so I'll have some time to chill with my girl before I leave. And maybe I could talk her into telling me who she's been sleeping around with.

We did everything we could possibly think of and talked about everything... except who the mystery guy was, which bothered me even more. We got bored and decided to find a movie to watch on Netflix. I was in the kitchen waiting for the popcorn to finish when I heard a phone vibrating in the living room on one of the couches. I made my way out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I was surprised when the caller ID said JAYDEN with a smiley face emoji beside it. Why would Lexi have his number? My boyfriends number? What would they talk about?

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Hey, b-... Wait, Chanel?" He asked. Was he about to call Lexi, baby? Baby? I was boiling! Literally.

"Oh, she's your baby now? Why you calling her phone anyway?"

He didn't say anything, just silence. And me waiting for an answer.

"ANSWER ME, JAYDEN!" I screamed on the phone. Lexi finally came downstairs with a confused look on her face.

I kept the phone in my ear and questioned Lexi. "Why do you have Jayden's number?" She stood there and just looked at me for a second without saying anything while Jayden was still coming up with stupid excuses in my ear.

So I asked her again, this time with more attitude. "Why do you have Jayden's number?"

Then she was like, "Oh, Chanel! We didn't want to tell you about this..."

"About what?"

She sighed and said, "Jayden and I..." Jayden cut her off and said, "Lexi, what are you doing?"

What could they have been doing? I thought.

"Lexi, I'm serious!"

She huffed. "Fine. We know your birthday's coming up soon and we were trying to plan a little something for your 18th birthday party. You weren't suppose to find out."

My birthday isn't for another month. Why would they be planning now? Even when Jayden confirmed her story it still didn't feel right. Something wasn't adding up. And Jayden didn't make it any easier. I already don't trust him all the way. So what if he says he won't cheat on me again? But it's my best friend. I couldn't and didn't believe they could be fooling around. I just didn't want to.

But something.... Just something didn't feel right.


The next morning I was packed and ready to go and headed to cheer camp. I was happy and even in a better mood when Kristian called. A smile instantly spread across my face. I haven't seen him or talked to him since the party. And we didn't really end on a good note.

"Hey." I said answering the phone.

"Hey, you. What's up?"

"Oh nothing. Ready to go cheer camp today."

"Oh.." He sounded a little disappointed.

"Oh? What's wrong Kristian?" I asked.

"Nothing I just wanted to see if we just hang today. I miss you girl."

"Awww! I missed you too. You could stop by my house. I don't leave for another two hours."

"Cool, I'll be there in a few. See you then." I ended the call with the same smile on my face, maybe even wider.

But as soon as I got off the phone I heard my step-father, Charles yell, "I CAN'T DO THIS WITH YOU NOW, KELLIE!"

Can't do what?

Then I heard my mother yell back, "THEN JUST LEAVE, CHARLES! LEAVE!"

What could this one be about now? It was wayyyy to early in the morning for this. I was pretty sure the neighbors could hear them because they were screaming at each other.

I went out of my room. Charles was nowhere to be found and my mother had tears streaming down her face. I haven't seen her cry in so long that it seemed weird to me.

"Mom, are you okay? What was that about?" I asked her. By now, she was crying so much, she could barely speak. So I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her and let her cry on my shoulders.

I've never done this to my mother. We were just not that type of family. Well, ever since my dad seemed to move on with his life when their divorce was final.

My mother was always strong. Nothing ever seemed to trouble her. And no one rarely seen her pitiful or depressed or anything like that. But right now, she looked vulnerable.

I got a glimpse of the papers that were thrown on the floor. I've seen them before. They weren't just any type of papers. They were divorce papers...


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