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"Vrrrrr vrrrrrrrr" blared filling the room with sound, causing me to wake up. It was my phone, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched the room, until I found it inside my bag, which was placed on the nightstand beside my bed.

"Where have you been?" Lexi screamed in my ear. 

"What? You haven't called..." I responded.

"Yes, I have. I called you like fifteen times." She said, then I checked my missed calls and yes, she called, not fifteen times, more like a hundred. What I also noticed was the missed calls from my father, none from my mother... and one from Jayden. Finally.

"It feels like I haven't spoken to you in forever! It's been like three days now." She continued, clearly overreacting. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I've been busy." 

"Busy doing what?" She pressed.

"Things." I replied.

"So, whatcha doing today? Cause I have no plans. Maybe we could go shopping..." She insisted, before letting me answer her question. Since I didn't have plans either, I decided to take up the offer. 

"Sure, we could go shopping, or whatever you want to do." 

"Alright. What time? I think three o'clock is a good time." She proposed. Lexi has a way of asking questions, then answering it for herself before the other person answers or try to reason with her. Like what time is best to simply go to the mall. 

"Three o'clock is fine," agreeing the with her. "But I have some things to take care of first. Like an errand." I added. Getting things back on track with Jayden is becoming more like a mission. Lexi being as nosy as she is asked, "What errand? You gotta go to the grocery store? Cause I got a few things I need to pick up too." I sighed, realizing how difficult she can be. 

I exhaled into the phone again and said, "No, not the grocery store. I have to talk to Jayden. Today." Knowing Lexi, I'll have to explain why I needed to make a stop at Jayden's house, when he was just a phone call or text away. So I give her a rundown of our argument we had just had. 

We finally compromise. I hurry up and get dressed, then headed for the door, and quickly got in my car. My mission was to pick up Lexi, then over to Jayden's house. 

As soon as Lexi got inside the car, all she could talk about was the new guy she was talking to. She went on and on about him. I only got a couple glimpse of what she was saying, because all I could think about was what I would say to Jayden. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." or "Lets just move and forget about this." or "I said some things I didn't mean, I'm sorry."  The more I play those lines in my head, "I'm sorry." seems too played out and meaningless. 

"Hello? You there?" Lexi said, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Uh, yeah, what were you saying?" I responded.

"You weren't even listening. Wow." Then she faced the window, obviously her feelings were hurt. I started to apologize, but she continued rambling on about the special guy. I guess that's her way of accepting my apology. "So how long is this gonna take?" She asked. "I don't know," I shrugged. "Just be patient." 

I parked the car in Jayden's driveway, and told Lexi to say in the car. Of course she complained, but she eventually agreed to stay in the car. Instead of Jayden, Mr.Wills, his father opened the door. He seemed to be in a rush and said a quick "Good Afternoon, Chanel." and a "How are you doing?" By the time I opened my mouth, ready to answer, he was already in his car, speeding down the street. I welcomed myself inside the house, walked through the kitchen and went upstairs to Jayden's room. I stood in the doorway until he noticed me. 

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