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I woke up with muscular arms wrapped around me. My head was on his chest. I looked around my room. My alarm clock read 6:00 P.M. I've been asleep for three hours.

I looked up at Kristian's face. He was so beautiful. Even when he was asleep. I rubbed his cheek lightly and whispered his name. He shifted a little and went back to sleep. I tapped his chest and he did the same thing.

I started placing light kisses on his neck and all over his face. He was pretending to be asleep, but I caught his slight grin when I kept placing kisses.

He wasn't budging and I grew frustrated. I slapped him the chest.

"Ow!" He exclaimed.

"Get up, stupid. I need to use the bathroom." He eased his arms around me and let me go. I opened the door and saw my mother coming up the stairs.

"Hey, sweetie! Go head and get ready. We're leaving at eight." she said.

I frowned. Leaving to go where? "Why? Where?"

"Cause I said so. Wear something nice, something you can dance in. We're going out."

I was still confused. "Going out to where?" She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"We're going to the club. Go get dressed." She answered nonchalantly. My mom would never go to the club with me. Never. So why now?

She dismisses me and I went to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth all while trying to put my finger on why my mom wants to go the club. That's so unusual. I wrapped the towel tight around my body. I quickly closed the door behind me and entered my bedroom.

Kristian was all smiles while putting his shirt back on.


He shook his head. "Nothing." He surveyed my body. Then it clicks. I was only wrapped in a small towel with water droplets cascading down my body.

I quickly tried to cover myself up. "No, no. Don't cover up. You good."

He's such a boy, I thought.

"Okay, but you have to get out while I get dressed." I told him.

He frowned. "Why?" I smacked my lips and gave him a look, with one eyebrow raised. He finally exited the room and I darted for my closet, hoping I find something presentable and cute to wear.

I remember my mom saying to wear something I can dance in. I picked out a cute skin fitted black dress with black red bottom heels. I fixed up my curls and let them bounce.

I stood in front of the full body mirror. I have to admit, I looked good. I grinned.

I went downstairs and no one was there. I checked outside, no one was outside. I know they didn't leave me. I started getting annoyed. Only Kristian's car was in the driveway. He's probably still here. I went back inside and found him in the kitchen stuffing his mouth with chips and gargling down a can of grape soda.

Since he was in grossed in his food, he didn't notice me standing there. I cleared my throat a couple times.

"Kristian, where is everyone?" I asked. He wiped his mouth and just grinned at me.

"Are you gonna answer me or just stand there looking a dumb ass?"

He busted in laughter at my frustration. He laughed even more when I scowled at him. After he finished, he looked at again and did a once over on me.

He licked his lips. "Damn, Chanel. You look good. You look beautiful." I cheesed like a little kid at his compliment. I thanked him.

Kristian planted a kiss on my forehead. I cheesed harder and wider.

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