03 || Akabane Karma

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Several weeks passed as our beloved Natsumi started attending the E Class, it was full of laughter and joy, and she couldn't be bothered by what the higher class said about it. She loved her new classmates and adored them; she took note of everyone's behavior. The teachers? Well, she LOVES Korosensei as he was her role model and a fun person to tease, Karasuma-sensei was still indeed frightening but she knew deep inside he might be a softie, Miss Jelavic... Where do I begin about her? Natsumi hated her at first, she reminded her of the higher classes, she was so full of herself, narcissistic, and those annoying melons of hers! Luckily she learned her lesson and has been coping with the rest of the class.

Natsumi's Point of View

It was just like any normal day, Korosensei slithered around, and everyone was minding their own business in peace, not until the fire nation attacked, our class representatives ruined the perfect harmony by saying this sentence, "Everyone line up! There will be an assembly and we're required to go" Everyone groaned and I was no exemption. Not only that climbing up this mountain is such a drag, walking down is way worse!

I turned to complain to Karma since he's the only one that's near me and I'm on good terms with him, "Karma this is so anno- what the heck are you doing?" He was on the window ledge ready to jump out, "Isn't it obvious sweetheart? I'm going to skip this assembly, if you want to come with you're free to come with me" alas, his devilish horns and tail popped out.

"Aren't we going to get in trouble if we do?"

"Have you forgotten? we're the end class, we're already trouble" he chuckled.

"So it's either you'll be a goody-two-shoes and go with them or join me to paradise" he reached out his hand towards me and at the same time Kaede caught my attention "Tsu what are you doing let's go?" And that's when I knew I had to decide, The Angel or The Devil?

"Sorry, Kaede!" I placed a finger over my lips and with the help of the red-headed male, I jumped over the window which was fairly high considering how short I am. "Well if you look at that, Miss Number Two chose to skip!" "Oh shut up and let's go! They might find us"

We both kept walking for a short while to the point I grew tired "Hey are we there ye—" Immediately, Karma shushed me, I was about to protest when I saw how serious he looked, and fear crawled to me "Hear that?" He searched around "U-Uhm what exactly?" I whispered the fear kept crawling to me "AH! THERE'S A SNAKE!" He shouted pointing onto the ground which in turn caused me to jump onto him out of fear and surprise.

I heard Karma snorting "You really are afraid of snakes are you?" the fear I had turned to anger and punched him in the arm "You idiot!" I huffed "I'm going to kill you!" He kept laughing at me, pouting, I crossed my arms and thought of a plan, He was already dying from laughter, so I started tickling him "Perish you idiot!" I laughed "S-stop!" He managed to choke up in between laughter.

A couple of seconds passed and I gave up tickling him, he was dying as well so I had to stop, "You and your fear of snakes" he chuckled softly, "Well it's your fault for tricking me, you idiot!" "I know, but can you please get off of me?" He turned his head and slightly blushed, I forgot that I was on top of him and I might be quite heavy.

"How about... No?" I grinned similar to how he does it, "Really now? Are you forgetting that you're a girl and I'm a boy and people might think differently because of our positions, unless?" He held my shoulders and managed to put me under him "What do you mean? oh... THEN GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT!" With all my might I pushed him away.

"Let's go hurry up" he started walking off again, and I had to chase him down.

We ended up in a nice area of the mountain, it was near the stream and had small flower beds. "This is beautiful" The trees around it gave the perfect amount of shade and light, a great place to sneak off to and to relax. "How did you find this place?" I asked whilst walking to the flower beds and picked enough to make two flower crowns "Didn't attend P.E class and walked around until I stumbled upon this area" I simply hummed as a reply and we both fell silent but enjoyed it, he was wearing earphones and I had my little thing going on.

Once I finished both of the crowns I wore one on my head, feeling satisfied I hopped next to Karma "What'chu listening to?" giggling, I placed the other crown onto his head, I was surprised he didn't bother to remove the flower crown but removed one of his earbuds and offered it to me.

I gladly took the other half of his earphones and leaned onto the tree, again, enjoying our silence.

The music wasn't something you would expect from him, in my opinion at least, it was pop music the one with meaningful lyrics, it wasn't about love or anything but it was about how everyone isn't what it seems like because of what they look like, and that everyone has a side that they don't show.

"Hey, what's the title of this song?" I questioned "uwu by suggi, it's one of my favorite songs that he wrote" he answered falling asleep. I kept quiet letting him fall asleep.

It didn't take a few minutes for him to completely fall asleep, after he answered my question, he fell asleep in an instant! "How cute" I giggled, I followed my instincts to rearrange him and let his head rest on my lap, I quietly played with his hair "So soft" I mumbled, Karma is good-looking, with long lashes, a pointed nose, and pinkish lips, if only you aren't much of a devil! But his wit and looks make up for it, a bad boy, huh?

I didn't realize that I, myself, started drifting to sleep.

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