05 || Group Study Time!

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"So you two aren't dating?" He questioned wrapping her foot with the bandage. "Never in a million years, speaking of the five idiots, they messaged me as well."

"Must be fun being treated like a Princess, should I call you Your majesty? Your highness? Princess? Milady?" The male teased, Natsumi grew irritated by this and really slapped him on the arm

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"Must be fun being treated like a Princess, should I call you Your majesty? Your highness? Princess? Milady?" The male teased, Natsumi grew irritated by this and really slapped him on the arm. Karma winced in pain.

The two sat in complete silence, minding their own business, Karma was busy creating a concoction that he would probably use to prank someone with. Natsumi, on the other hand, was peacefully browsing Twitter. No other sound was heard other than Karma rummaging through the cabinet or the audio from the video Natsumi would watch. No one dared to break the silence.

Natsumi's POV

"Damn I'm tired!" Hey, isn't that Rio's voice? Karma and I turned to each other and nodded as if we communicated through our eyes.

"Let's go" he stood up, I mimicked his actions but slower. Surprisingly, Karma is quite the gentleman today for he offered a hand for me to support on. "Well Princess" he emphasized and smirked, "SHUT UP!"

Karma helped me up as I staggered to go back to the classroom, everyone looked at us in confusion and curiosity.

Rio questioned the way I tottered and where the red-headed demon was at "I tripped over a root and sprained my ankle" "I was with her" Karma pointed.

The girls questioned what happened to my foot, I was about to speak up but Karma insisted to tell the story in my stead. It became a rather comedic story, he exaggerated everything and even reenacted how I tripped and fell, at least everyone's having a good time.

The final bell rang signaling for us to go home, but before Korosensei let us go, he announced that we'll be having a quiz on mathematics tomorrow, I, being shitty in math, turned to the person whom I know excels on the subject, "Karma, say, are you busy today?" "Not really, probably gonna game until dinner time" he stretched his body. "Perfect! Help me study for the math quiz."

A few of our friends heard about our plans, "So, we'll be studying at my place then? My brother came to pick me up because of this." I smiled lifting up my sprained leg. "Wasn't he going to come home late due to college?" Karma tilted his head, "Ah well, I told them about my sprained ankle while we were at the clinic and he dropped everything for a moment and told me that he'll pick me up, even if the school is near our house"

Everyone agreed with this plan and we all walked down this damn mountain, it took us longer than the usual 10-minute walk.

"It must be nice having a good older brother" Maehara spoke with a tad bit of envy in his voice "Well... Not really, I have two older brothers and both of them are a pain in the ass!" I giggled and looked at Akiteru waving at us from a distance.

"Oh hello!" Akiteru greeted in his usual cheery voice, "Your friends?" He turned to me, I nodded "Yep, we're going to study at our place so they're coming with us." "I see, well everyone, hop on in."

After a few chitchats and a short drive, we reached the house, their visit timed in perfectly, our parents weren't home, it was just me and my brothers. "My room or the living room?" I asked the group (which consisted of me, Karma, Nagisa, Rio, Kaede, and, Maehara) "Let's just stay here in the living room." Kaede suggested and everyone agreed. I swear everyone agreed to it because our living room is decorated with our family pictures, Rio started taking pictures of my portraits as a child! "Your brothers play volleyball?" Nagisa was looking around the awards cabinet reading the engraved words on the medals "Yep~"

"So you must too?" Karma asked as he plopped on our couch. "Well, I know the basics and I can play a little but no." "Then why don't you?"

I simply smiled at the red-headed male and shrugged. "I- My body is weak."

Everyone fell silent before Maehara broke the ice, "So, how old are your siblings?" "Akiteru-nii, the one who picked us up is around twenty-two, while Kei-nii is sixteen."

A few moments passed once again before we started to actually study for that maths exam. Karma taught us the basics such as the formula, the procedure, and some keys. In my opinion, Karma could be a great teacher, but he really doesn't fit into it.

Karma gave us a few exercises to do, midway, Kei finally came home after his training, he had an expression of bewilderment, confusion, and exhaustion at the same time when he glanced at us, like any normal person or guests, they greeted him with respect, "Yo, my friends and I are studying for a math exam for tomorrow." I told him after realizing, he nodded and continued his way to his room.

"Your brothers are hella tall, what happened to you?" Karma took the chance to tease me, I wondered the same thing honestly, I'm two inches shorter than Nagisa. Kei is older than me by a year but is already a skyscraper. "Shut it, anyway I'm done with my task." as if my words woke the rest up back to reality, they continued to finish their own tasks.

You thought that's the end of my siblings popping out of nowhere? Nope. Akiteru randomly appeared behind the couch and asked if they informed their families that they might come home late, it's around 6 p.m and it's really getting dark. "Mine isn't home most of the time so I'm aight." what he said made me sad, although he looked fine when he said that, I feel like he really isn't.

"Dinner's ready, Kei and I already ate so you can get seconds if you want to, I made too much by accident."

During dinner we talked about a lot of things, I almost choked twice because of the funny stories they shared. It really feels like I belong in this group.

After dinner, they packed their things and we offered- well, forced them to let us drive them home. The chatter never stopped even when Akiteru joined in from time to time.

We dropped them to their own houses one by one, Kaede was the first one to go followed by Maehara, Nagisa, and Rio. Karma's house was the farthest one, "So what do you think about the situation in 3—E?" he asked and leaned on the window, he was tired and normally he wouldn't let his guard down, yet he did with me. "It's dumb, you know I love Uncle Gakuho- I mean the Principal but his ways? It's dumb! Ant Philosophy my ass, he doesn't need to do that." We both ranted about the school system until we reached his place, like he said earlier, his parents weren't home most of the time, his house had no sign of any living or humans inside, Akiteru glanced at me and I nodded "I'll walk with you to the gate."

"Hey Karma, thanks for today, even with my foot situation," He looked at me and raised a brow confused by my sudden announcement of gratitude, "Wh—" cutting him off I continued to speak "If you need anyone to talk to or a house to go to when you feel lonely or sad, just give me a call and you already know my house address, bye ~!"

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