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That very same night after Natsumi and her family had their dinners, Kei suddenly brought up the topic of Natsumi returning to Class - A.

"I heard you're back in Class A?" Kei glanced towards her younger sister, observing her reaction. "Yeah...." The younger Tsukishima timidly replied, "See, I told you, Tsu can go back into her class in no time!" Akiteru, the oldest, proudly grinned and took the ice cream from a tray that their mother brought out for them as dessert.

Whenever Akiteru was home from college, the family would get together- well, Kei usually sitting out most of the time and would instead get cooped up in his room. Still, this time he noticed that his usual bubbly sister was feeling down, which could only mean that a significant change in her life happened and that being her transfer to Class A.

"Since we're all here, why don't we play that three-player game we would usually play?" Kei offered to his siblings, hoping that it would uplift Natsumi's mood. Luckily, Akiteru noticed the signals Kei had been sending him, "Yeah, it's been a while since we played all together."

Natsumi smiled and nodded, "I'm going to beat you two this time!" she cheered.

After a few rounds of the game, Natsumi excused herself, stating that she was tired and tomorrow would be a busy day for her at school. She wasn't wrong, though, and she did promise Yuna that she'll hang out with her and a couple of other girls from their class after school.

Natsumi plopped on her bed and snuggled her pillow. "I have to distance myself from them," she whispered and sighed. "It'll be rough if I leave them... yeah, I'll just do what I always do."

"Okay, class, don't forget about the assignment due next week, have a productive weekend!" The teacher reminded the class as the lunch bell chimed.

Some groaned, stretched, and fiddled with their bags for their lunches or wallets, but our Natsumi slumped on her desk, "So there are four assignments due next week." she whispered and sighed. "What's with the long sigh?" Yuna patted Natsumi's head when she went to her seat. "Ah, just stress, I forgot the amount of workload they give us here," she laughs.

"Well, we are the top class. I know what would cheer you up, some cold strawberry milk."

"You know me well; let's eat lunch in the courtyard." Natsumi reached for her bento box and smiled. "I'll tell the others to save us a spot then!"

As Natsumi and Yuna made their way towards the vending machine near the courtyard-- Natsumi spotted a familiar blonde and green-headed girl getting drinks from the said machine, "Ah," Natsumi froze and turned around "Can we go to the other machine instead?" she asked. Yuna looked at her puzzled she was about to ask but got her answer immediately. "Tsu-chan!" Kaede called out and waved. Rio mimicked her actions, "Nevermind then...."

Natsumi turned back around and waved, "Hello," she shortly replied and walked towards the vending machine with Yuna trailing behind her, observing Natsumi. "How are you?" They asked with cheerfulness in their tone, "Busy," Natsumi pressed the Milk button, and once the boxed drink fell from its container, she turned towards the two 3-E girls, "The others are waiting for us, so I need to go, bye."

Natsumi and Yuna soon left the two, "Aren't they, your friends?" she questioned. Natsumi frowned and slumped. "Yeah, and now I feel bad for treating them like that now."

"Okay...?" Rio looked at Kaede with a confused expression plastered on her face, "Was she just?" Kaede nodded and was as dumbfounded as Rio. "Maybe she's just tired! You know how busy the upper classes are. She did say she was busy." The two just simply brushed that matter as Natsumi being tired but still found it weird.

A few hours passed, and it was already time to go home. Yuna had to go to their gym to get permission from their coach. "Maiko, Akane, Rika!" Natsumi called out to the other girls they were coming with, "We'll be waiting by the entrance!" She grinned and waved, "Sure~ we'll just finish cleaning up!" Maiko replied.

"Going somewhere?" Gakushu walked towards Natsumi when she was putting on her shoes at the lockers, "Yeah, I promised them, plus I miss the usual girl group I've been hanging out with and not with you five" Natsumi laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. "Aww, is it not fun hanging with us?" Gakushu childishly pouted, "It's different when I'm with the girls, y'know!" Natsumi and Gakushu went out towards the entrance, "Don't you have council duties?" She asked, "Well, I still have time before the meeting with the faculty for a certain event, so I'm good waiting here with you." Natsumi and Gakushu continued their chatter filled with laughter and a few playful punches here and there, not knowing someone was looking in their direction. The four girls, including Yuna, came out of the entrance after a few minutes, "They're here, see ya, Shu!" Natsumi waved.

"So, which cafe are we going to?" Akane asked, scrolling through her phone for possible locations to go to, "Oh, I know exactly where to go." Natsumi grinned, but little did she know a surprise was waiting for the cafe she and her friends back at class E would go to.

Natsumi's POV:

What the fuck? What the fucking fuck? What the actual fuck?

Is that Karma? Hold on, and he's with Nagisa? Oh no, Kaede and Rio too... wait, is that Maehara, Isogai, Megu, and Kanzaki? So the whole gang's here?

I couldn't help myself but laugh. I was trying to avoid my friends! But here they are at the cafe we always go to... the coincidence that they chose to go here today too...

"You good, tsum?" Rika asked in a worried tone as she handed me the menu, "Yeah," I reassured and gave my order to Akane, who was going to order for the whole group. "Let me go to the restroom real quick," I excused myself.

It's a good thing that these four aren't the type to ridicule others like those boys from the D Class. As Natsumi walked towards the restroom, she accidentally bumped into someone and that someone was no other than the devil himself, Karma Akabane.

"Eh~ if it isn't our Natsumi, yaho~" he greeted but received another short and simple reply for her, "Hello, now if you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Natsumi politely nodded her head and left.

"What the fuck was that?"

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