09 || Finding Tsumi

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Monday came to be and five days had passed, but there wasn't even a single sign of Natsumi's presence inside their campus. The teachers knew yet they didn't tell the students where she was despite the they've kept asking.

No one knew the Tsukishima Family's telephone number and it would be rude to show up unannounced, they kept spamming her phone yet there wasn't a single reply.

That very same day, an important announcement was announced, the very thing that everyone feared the most, everyone dreads this, even the readers and author of this book.


"We have one week before the mid-terms, so this week, we'll be all preparing for it nurufufu~" Korosensei stood behind the teacher's table as if he's preparing for battle. "Sensei!" Isogai raised his hand to ask the question "Yes, Isogai-kun?" Isogai stood up, everyone's eyes were on him, waiting for him to voice his concerns. "It's been five days and we still haven't heard from Tsukishima-san" he voiced out "Yeah, she might not even know about the midterms and the lessons that will come out." Someone added.

"Tch. She can handle herself, she's from the main building! What more she's a former A-student" Teresaka butted in.

"The faculty had already informed her family about the midterms and a few days ago her family called to inform us about her current situation, so don't worry about Tsukishima-san, so let's start reviewing." With that Korosensei had divided, no, each student had their own afterimage of their teacher moving at Mach 20 speed, teaching them the lessons starting with their weakest subject.

Korosensei also made and wore a matching bandana that indicates the subject of what the students will be learning.

Teresaka even received a Naruto Cosplayer Korosensei just because he's weak in multiple subjects. "THIS IS A WASTE OF TIME! HEY, WHY DID I GET THE NARUTO HEADBAND" Teresaka complained.

Karma had little to no interest regarding Korosensei's cram review, he even attempted to assassinate him causing his after images to have an indentation that frightened Nagisa. "Karma-kun! Please do not try to assassinate me, this affects my after image you know!" Korosensei pleaded, Karma on the other had just pulled a cheeky smile.

"Hey sensei, won't you get tired?" Nagisa questioned the being in front of him, "don't worry Nagisa-kun, I'm also resting" Korosensei's yellow tentacle pointed at another afterimage that was laying on a beach chair outside.

'Korosensei's afterimage is gradually getting faster, at first, three were his limit but now... Is this the power of the being that will soon destroy the earth?' Nagisa had thought.

On the other hand, people from the main building were also studying their butts off. No one in the building wanted to end up in the unfortunate End class after all.

Another day had passed and there was still no sign of our blonde cinnamon roll, Karma grew impatient by this. "Why am I even worried about her?" he groaned as he laid on his bed, procrastinating to make himself breakfast. He had contacted Natsumi a couple of times already and there wasn't a single response from her, where was she?

Everyone in their group chat had been worried about her, there wasn't an escape nor an answer for the mystery of the missing Natsumi. Another sigh escaped from Karma as he finally found his will to stand up and get ready. 'He must know where she is' he thought as he buttoned his inner shirt up.

Once he was done he took a bar of granola and a box of strawberry milk from their refrigerator and headed off to the school's gate.

Minutes had passed ever since he arrived, waiting for a particular strawberry blonde. He already saw countless students and even fellow students of class E.

"Good Morning Karma-kun!" Nagisa greeted waving at him and eventually jogged towards him, "Yo Nagisa"

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yep, quite the timing, he's here." Karma started walking towards Gakushū with a confident aura, it was as if he was engaging him for a fight, a fight between a king and the devil.

"Oh? Akabane, fancy seeing you here, how was your suspension period?" Gakushū grinned looking at the other male directly in the eyes. "It was fun and dandy" he stared back, "It seems like we're getting unwanted attention right now." Gakushū glanced around "It seems so" Karma mimicked his actions and placed a palm on his waist "I believe that you need something from me, let's move to another location" Gakushū turned and started walking to the back of the building. Karma glanced at Nagisa as if he was saying 'go on to the classroom' before he followed Gakushū.

Once the two were alone, Karma didn't hesitate to go directly to the point and spoke "It's been a week since Natsumi had been absent and there hasn't been a sign or even a text message coming from her, do you know why?" Gakushū smirked and asked, "And why are you concerned about her whereabouts?"

Gakushū's question felt as if it stabbed him directly, it was the same question that he had been asking himself for the past week or two.

"Oh? You seemed confused" Gakushū chuckled while enjoying this moment "And what is it to you if I'm concerned?"

Karma snapped back, "Of course I'm not telling you where she is without a proper explanation" Gakushū replied.

"How protective of you, you must like her, huh?" Karma raised a brow.

"Yes I do like her, so what?" This simple line irritated Karma, but why? "So you're not answering, Akabane?"

Karma gradually grew impatient, "I think it's the same for you, you like her too, don't you?" Gakushū kept igniting the fire that was sparking inside of Karma.

Finally, Karma had enough and pulled Gakushū by his collar and responded

"And what if I do like her too?"

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