16 || Midterms

226 15 1

"Bring it on."

Saturday and Sunday flew by, the others went home Sunday evening.

Natsumi, who was left alone, continued to study throughout the night until one in the morning, not wanting to flunk the test and defeat Gakushu. Natsumi was the type to study beyond what the exam pointers asked even if it might not appear in the exam, but little did she know, studying advanced lessons was actually the best move.

Natsumi stood at the entrance of the main building with confidence and a sense of responsibility. She clutched the small flip card in her hand, "This time, I'll defeat Asano." she gritted her teeth, despite their friendship, Natsumi sees Asano as his rival when it comes to academics, the two of them would often fight for the top place.

"Tsu-chan" A familiar blue haired male ran up to the blonde, "Nagi-kun, Good Morning" the two greeted each other and grouped with the other class E students.

"Are you nervous?" Maehara questioned, noticing how quiet the ball of sunshine is.

Despite the confidence Natsumi showed earlier, she is indeed nervous, she fears that she might forget the lessons she reviewed alone and during Korosensei's crash course. "A little." she smiled.

Everyone was quiet during the test as the teacher who was supervising them sat in front with a cocky smile as he loudly tapped the desk probably trying to disrupt everyone's concentration, "You class E lot better not be cheating cause we Main building Teachers are watching you really close."

Natsumi shot a glare at the teacher and stared at him for a couple of minutes before continuing with her exam. She wanted to tell him to shut up or eat his own ass but he was a teacher and she was just a mere student. If the subject they were taking is either science or english she would just blatantly ignore the teacher's blabbering but boy oh boy, they are currently taking Mathematics, a subject that Natsumi hates the most to the point that she wants to go back in time just stop the babylonians and egyptians from creating such sytem, but she can't deny the fact that mathematics is really helpful and useful in our economy, but still, where the fuck will we use complex mathematics? Can we even use pythagorean triples / theorems in our daily lives? no.

[A/N: I swear I don't have a grudge against math...]

Natsumi thoroughly read the text in front of her. The numbers and words seemed to be an unkillable opponent and her pen is her weapon to slay such beasts.

Kunugigaoka's exams were notoriously much harder than other schools living up to its prestigious name.

'This is bad... why now?' Natsumi bit her lip, unable to recall the information she needed to answer the question. "Mental block" she whispered, placing her pen down and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to counter it.

She opened her eyes the moment information gushed back to her system, every bit and pieces of knowledge that Korosensei taught her flowed back like how a dam breaks and the water flows back into the dry land.

Natsumi picked her pen up and started jotting down, solving different equations, there were some questions that Korosensei didn't teach, she found it weird that this type of questions shouldn't be appearing in the test. Needless to say, her advanced lessons really helped her this time around.

The teacher sat there quiet, surprised, and confused that the students at the bottom of the class ranking system, students who are infamous for being troublesome are actually writing as if it's no big deal, the teacher glanced at Natsumi who looked up and smiled at him as if she was mocking him. He thought that maybe Natsumi was the reason behind this, he knew her capabilities and relationships with the Big Five, 'Did that brat help them?' Little did he know, the person causing this is none other than their unkillable target, Korosensei.

"Finally it's over! My suffering has finally ended" Natsumi stretched as she cheered in delight, the rest were either mentally drained or were still thinking about the last exam's questions. "Let's go to a karaoke bar" Rio suggested and wrapped an arm around Natsumi lifting her fist up in a happy demeanor, wanting to finally relax, everyone — Kaede, Nagisa, Karma, Maehara and of course Natsumi — agreed to the plan.

The group sat across each other, 3 on each side of the couch, drinks rested on the table while Rio and the others in her area picked their songs.

Rio sang first, she chose an upbeat song called 'Dionysus' from the famous boy band, BTS. Everyone knew this song and sang with her, Natsumi, specifically raged and sang the song on top of her lungs.

They sang all their hearts out until the end of each song. She laughed, danced and 'rock and rolled' together, it's clear that they were having a blast.

"Man I'm beat," Maehara exclaimed slumping on the couch. Natsumi finally remembered something, "Hey, I have a question, is it just me but the questions after Number 11 during math weren't taught to us or it's just me?"

"I was thinking the same thing" Kaede took a sip from her drink. Karma mimicked her actions, "Maybe the teachers taught 'em in advance or something" he suggested.

Afterwards, they went home, Karma and Natsumi were both alone together since he offered to walk her home since it's already dark out. "Hey don't forget about the bet" He grinned, "Of course, I'm a woman of my words" she chuckled.

The two walk together side by side, indulging in each other's comfortable presence. "Oh really?" "Of course"

"That reminds me, once you place on top again, you have to go back to the main building." Natsumi froze, 'Go back? I do want to go back but that just means that I have to leave my friends behind... I don't want that...' "Natsumi?" Karma turned to her, he stood a couple of steps in front of her. 'She must have forgotten about that fact' he shook his head. "Oh sorry" Natsumi ran to catch up to him.

"Well then we're here" Natsumi and Karma stood at the Tsukishima household's front gate. They were about to bid their goodbyes until her mom popped her head by the gate, "Ah you're home, Oh? You're Akabane-kun, right? Come in have dinner with us" she offered with a pleading look, Natsumi facepalmed knowing that her mother wanted to know who the boy she was with, it might have been a surprise to her that it wasn't Ren nor Gakushu she was with.

Unable to deny Natsumi's mother, he gratefully accepted her request.


Lmao, Meet the Parents?
Anyway, y'all know the drill!

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