08 || Eevee

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If you thought that Natsumi didn't wake up late then you're wrong!

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!" The youngest of the Tsukishima siblings shouted from her bedroom while she made a dash to the kitchen, her brothers were both confused, why in the world is their little sister causing a rampage?

Natsumi kept rummaging and shoving things inside her bag. She couldn't be bothered by Akiteru looking for a chance to talk or even Kei who was partially glaring at her for wrecking his peaceful morning, all she cared about was getting into the main campus without being late.

"I'M OFF!" She announced, the two brothers looked at each other speechless. "It's even seven in the morning and she's already late?" Kei, the middle child raised a brow still confused at his little sister's actions. "She must've forgotten that her clock isn't working." Akiteru, the oldest, sighed as he continued to drink his morning cup of coffee.

Natsumi on the other hand ran as fast as she could to the gates, dodging everything that blocked her way. "Excuse me!" She shouted while she ran, passing two boys who were likely on a race against each other.

Finally, she had reached the school gates, she stopped for a while to catch her breath before continuing to sprint up the mountain.

Once she reached her destination she aggressively slid the door open only to see no one was in the room. "What the-?" She walked to her seat and slumped back, bamboozled by this. "Where is everyone? Isn't it already eig- it's just seven in the morning?!" She shouted, regretting that she should've listened to Akiteru or even question why Kei was still there despite that he had his morning practice, "Well at least I won't be late this time." She laughed to herself feeling a little bit exhausted. She decided to take a nap for a while, she still had an hour and fifteen minutes before the first bell rings, so why not take this time to rest.

A few moments had passed before a certain red-haired student came in, he was the second one to arrive in class. He was surprised to see Natsumi in class early in the morning, she was the type to arrive five to fifteen minutes before class starts yet she's here forty minutes early.

Once he had placed his bag on the hook on his table he removed his coat and draped it in on the sleeping Natsumi.

Why am I even concerned whether you're cold or not? He pondered to himself while he stared at her from his seat. Truth be told, Karma still couldn't forget what she said a few nights before.

"If you need anyone to talk to or a house to go to when you feel lonely or sad, just give me a call and you already know my house address, bye!"

That mere line she had told him stuck to him like super glue.

Why is this girl so nice? He kept staring at her, sleeping peacefully as she found comfort and warmth under his coat, she looked cold earlier despite the heater being on.

"You've been distracting me." He whispered, "I can't seem to get you off my mind." Karma chuckled thinking that even in his thoughts Natsumi is still wild.

Little by little others came into the room, they first noticed the sleeping ball of sunshine next to Karma.

Natsumi groaned softly and sat up. "Wha?" She looked around, confused by her whereabouts. "Good morning" they greeted her and a few chuckled at her, she was still in a daze when she replied good morning in a question-like manner. "I'm at school?" She looked around and Karma who was just sitting next to her, playing his game, chuckled.

"Oh right." After ten minutes of staring into blank space, racking her thoughts, Natsumi finally had solved the mystery of why she was here and had finally noticed Karma's coat, "Thank you for this" she smiled and folded the coat before returning it to its rightful owner. "It's not for free" the devilish smile had to make its appearance!

Natsumi raised her brown signaling him to explain what he meant by that, "Buy me strawberry milk" "I was actually in the mood to buy one right now" Natsumi smiled and stood up and took her wallet from her bag.

"Where are you two going?" Isogai, the class representative (and Class 3-E's ikemen) questioned "Vending machine" they both answered at the same time "Alrighty, just hurry up."

"Those two are really close to each other," Megu commented as soon as she noticed the two were out at the stairway down. Grinning, Rio added to the conversation "Do you think they're dating?" "But isn't she with Asano?" This time Kaede had a say in this manner, "But didn't she say they're just friends?" Kanzaki debunked, the four girls looked at each other and nodded, they all had the same thought "This is a case of a love triangle!" 

 Grinning, Rio added to the conversation "Do you think they're dating?" "But isn't she with Asano?" This time Kaede had a say in this manner, "But didn't she say they're just friends?" Kanzaki debunked, the four girls looked at each other and nodd...

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Back to Natsumi and Karma, the two, as usual, were talking to each other, teasing her here and there

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Back to Natsumi and Karma, the two, as usual, were talking to each other, teasing her here and there.

Another memory had popped into Karma's head, he remembered Natsumi mentioning that she had a weak body, curious about what she meant he decided to ask the lady herself.

"Hey, a few days ago, you said that you have a weak body, mind explaining this to me?"He glanced at her, the ball of sunshine fell silent, thinking of how she should explain it to him.

"You see, ever since I was young I was always hospitalized because I was sickly, my immune system is weak and stuff, so yeah" Natsumi felt weird telling him this, she chose her words carefully in order to refrain him from possibly worrying.

"Hey, I've noticed that you're quite fond of the Pokémon, Eevee." Karma pointed out, changing the subject at hand. "You even have it as your wallet charm" he added.

"Well she's cute, both of my brothers and I used to watch Pokémon growing up, whenever I get bedridden or hospitalized they'd often visit me with an Eevee shaped snack, an Eevee stuffed animal, anything Eevee themed" She reminisced, the memory of her brothers doing those made her smile. Snickering, Karma started teasing her again "Who knew you were such a child"

"HEY!" Natsumi pouted.

"Eevee suits you the most though."

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