18 || Class - ??

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Karma sat there frozen, unsure what to say or do, he can't do anything to begin with, he's no medical professional, he's just a mere junior high student.

Natsumi breathed in and exhaled it out, another news was coming up, Karma prepared himself for it. "I also made up my mind, I'm going back to Class A" with that, Natsumi stood up, she didn't even try to hear what he was going to say and walked away.

The rest of the day, Natsumi barely talked to anyone, everyone obviously found this very odd, she is known as the most sociable student in 3E but to see her in such a state made them worry. The only person who most likely knew what's wrong with her is Karma but he was nowhere to be seen. You would think that he's purposely skipping classes since he finds it boring, uninteresting— but no, lately he hasn't skipped any class thanks to a certain someone. Many have thought maybe the two had a fight or something but Natsumi declined their claims.

"Natsumi-chan" Korosensei called for the blonde who buried her face in a book she was reading, Natsumi sighed and dumped the book back in her bag. She lazily followed the octopus shaped teacher to the faculty office.

"So, you decided to transfer back to the main building?" Korosensei and Natsumi sat down in front of each other, "That's right" The girl responded with a sorrowful expression. "I see, I won't try and change your decision" Korosensei paused for a moment and continued speaking, "I don't want to pry, however, if you want to tell me anything then..." Natsumi bit her lip.

How can a monstrous being that blew up the moon and possibly do the same earth, be so... nice... caring... Like what a teacher should actually be... If only he is in a human form and wouldn't destroy the earth, Korosensei would definitely be the best teacher she had so far— no he is her favorite teacher, no matter what form he takes.

Her lips quivered, as much as she tried to hold her tears, beads of water started falling from the corners of her eyes like an open tap. She bit her lip holding back her sobs but failed miserably. The walls she built up until now started tearing apart, brick by brick. Breaking the hard shell she formed.

"I— I don't want to go" her muffled voice whispered, Korosensei started panicking and tried to cheer her up but his attempt, like Natsumi's, failed miserably, as she started spilling everything that she kept under the shell.

After sometime, Karasuma found Natsumi and Korosensei both crying while Irina sat in a corner, filing her nails. He ignored this sight and made his way to his position and sighed, "So how long have they been like this?" He asked the assassin not too far from his post. "Maybe 30 minutes or so?" she shrugged.

"Hey guys, Don't miss me too much, 'kay~?" Natsumi laughed as she talked to her usual group of friends, "What do you mean?" the girls already have a rough idea why she said that. Natsumi was laughing yet her face was still swollen from her crying session she had with Korosensei. Her eyes didn't show that she was just joking but her expression showed how much she hated saying those parting words.

"Ahh... you see, I decided to transfer back to the main building" She smiled. It may sound contradicting but Natsumi wanted to go back to class A and not at the same time, she has her own reasons for this and of course, like many other secrets she has, she will never tell those secrets to others.... Well there may be some slip ups like how she wasn't able to keep those secrets from Asano and Karma.

"Well, that's where you're originally assigned to, correct?" Natsumi simply nodded, "Well that doesn't mean we wouldn't be friends anymore~ We can still hang out" Rio grinned ear to ear, "Yeah..."

The following day, Natsumi was greeted by a group of Class A students, "Natsu-chan!" they greeted "Welcome back" Everyone smiled and popped a small party popper and raised their bottles of sodas as a congratulatory act.

"Thanks everyone"

Natsumi's POV

Everyone's warm welcome made me grin, suddenly two hands covered my eyes, completely blocking my vision. "Welcome back" a familiar deep voice whispered in my ears. "Shukun, I know it's you" I heard him chuckle and removed his hand, thus, revealing the other 4 from their famous group. "I'm glad to be back with everyone." Although that was half-assed, I still meant it.

But their warmth isn't as warm how it was in Class E... This is better though, I can't afford to be close with them, I can't grow more attached to them— knowing that I will soon disappear in this world.

The bell rang signaling for class to start, I got used to Korosensei's dramatic entrance and tried to assassinate him. I prod under my desk for my gun but as to be expected, it's nowhere to be found.

Gakushū seemed to notice I was looking for something and raised a brow at me, I shook my head basically telling him it's nothing to worry about.

It didn't take much long for lunch to start. "Wanna eat together?" Yuna, a girl in my class who I'm friends with offered. I didn't want to turn her down so I accepted her offer.

"So, how was class E?" Yuna questioned. I can't tell her about Korosensei so I just answered her with the general atmosphere of the place in question. Talking about that class made me feel euphoric, it's no secret that I love that class more than class A.

"You really love that class, huh"

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