19 || Ain't much

206 11 0

Hey~ sorry this chapter took a while! School started so please expect less updates again 〈( ^.^)ノ


Weeks had already passed by, and Natsumi never got to talk with her friends at the End Class. Class A is different from Class E; after all, ever since she got back, the double amount of homework and projects started piling up, lessons that must be previewed, and reviews for mock exams. This is the reason why she couldn't talk to them. All those predicaments ate her time; even after class hours, she had to stay and wait for Ren or Gakushū to finish their council work since she wasn't in any clubs.

"Natsu~" Yuna called out to the blonde who was silently sitting on her desk, doing some homework to pass by time. "Just finished volleyball practice?" Natsumi shifted her gaze from her textbook to her friend, "More or less, it's quite the bummer, honestly, I wasn't in my top shape today, so they let me go chill off" Yuna sighed and sat on the seat next to her and slumped. "That reminds me, which high school will you go to?" she questioned, seeing how hard Natsumi was working on their mathematics homework. She thought that Natsumi was aiming for a top-tier high school.

"I don't know, Karasuno High, maybe?" Natsumi stretched her aching arms. "Following your brothers' footsteps, I presume?" Yuna started playing with Natsumi's golden locks. "Yeah, I mean, that's like the preferable choice. I'm lucky that they even allowed me to attend here instead of Amemaru" "Should I follow you to Karasuno?" Yuna joked while Natsumi rolled her eyes, "Follow me? Or Follow my brother, Kei?" she teased, making her friend flush slightly. "I still don't get what you see in him, like yeah. He's good-looking since he's my brother and all" "I don't like him that way! I just admire him, have you seen him? He's hella tall and good at volleyball, those blocks?!" Yuna kept gushing about her admiration of Kei's physical abilities and even Akiteru's skills too.

The girls continued their chatter regarding that matter but were interrupted by a knock on the door. They turned their heads and saw both Gakushū and Ren standing in the entranceway of the room. "I didn't want to interrupt your chatter, but it's time to go home" Yuna fell silent at the sight of Gakushū; it's not that they were on bad terms. In fact, through Natsumi, they became friends; she just doesn't know what to say or do whenever they're in the same vicinity sometimes.

"Are you two done with your work?" Natsumi started packing her stuff. "Yeah, let's all walk home together~" Ren chimed in with his usual smile. "Can we stop by the Club lockers? I left my bag in there."

After retrieving Yuna's bag, the quartet, as promised, walked home together, "Ne, Natsu, are you free tomorrow after class?" Yuna clung onto Natsumi, "Yeah, I'm not in any clubs. Why?"

"Then join us after school tomorrow and hang out" Natsumi, without any further hesitation, agreed to this plan. It's been a while since she had fun, so it's nice that someone invited her to a small get-together.

"You're riding the train, right, Yuna?" 


"I'll walk you there~" Ren offered, though everyone found it odd that Ren offered her this since the most logical person to walk with her was Gakushū. "Then I'll walk with Natsumi to her place" "Eh? Shū, you don't have to," "I insist" That specific line made Natsumi give up.

The quartet parted ways. Natsumi and Gakushū stayed silent for a while, not until the male broke the ice. "How is it to be back in 3-A?"

"Honestly? It's no different, except the atmosphere and, of course, my old habits at the other class ceased." Gakushū noticed the visible frown that formed on Natsumi's pinkish lips; though he didn't want to pursue the topic regarding class E, there was one question he had been dying to ask. "Hmm, you seem pretty close to Akabane" he paused for a while and stole a glance from her, checking to see if her expression would change, and it did. A light pinkish hue flushed her cheeks, and she pouted; her eyes were glued to the ground, and she grumbled a few incoherent lines.

Well, who wouldn't be? After what happened at the study session and before that? Natsumi's reaction would be normal.

'So he did made a move...'

It didn't take long for Natsumi and Gakushū to arrive at their the Tsukishima residence, "Anyway, thanks for walk-" As Natsumi was bidding goodbye, Akiteru popped by the gate. "Natsumi, you're home, and you're with Gakushū-kun this time"

Gakushū pondered at Akiteru's last line, 'That only meant either Ren or someone from the E class would usually accompany her back home.'

"Well yeah, I'm not classmates with Karma anymore"

'Akabane again'

"Is that so? Gakushū, Since you're here, why not have dinner with us?" The older Tsukishima smiled. "Tempting offer, but I must decline since my dad will be having dinner with us today," Gakushū maturely replied. Disappointed, Akiteru sighed and didn't push the offer more. Finally, Gakushū left after saying his goodbyes to the two.

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