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The week went by quickly and before he knew it, July third had arrived.

For once in his life Dan actually felt nervous. He had told Ralph and Charlie about Kyle coming, but the the three were so different.  Ralph and Charlie could never stop talking. They loved pranking people, and adored sports. And then there was Kyle.

He loves how different Kyle was from the others, but he's worried for him.


Finally the four arrive at the lake, the three hour drive feeling like forever.

Kyle had stayed silent for most of trip down. He spent most of the car ride listening and chuckling to the ridiculous conversations the others were having. Despite his quiet nature, Dan was sure Charlie and Ralph liked Kyle, and that made him happy.

That night the four spent most of the time sleeping. And for once they were quiet.

But in the morning it was anything but quiet.

"Happy fourth of July!" Charlie yelled, waking the three up.

"We have to show Kyle what American holidays are like." Dan chuckled, gently shaking Kyle awake.


"Oh god!" Kyle shouted, his hands aching from gripping the inner tube.

"I'm going to fall off!" Dan grinned, his legs dragging in the water.

The two were just barely hanging on, Dan's dad driving the boat on the busy lake. Charlie and Ralph were sitting on the boat, praying to God that their record wouldn't be beat.

"Fuck." And with that the tube went outside of the wake, and hit a tube. Dan went flying off the tube, but Kyle stayed on, his hands beginning to cramp.

"Ten seconds!" Ralph shouted, looking down to his watch.

"He did it!" Charlie yelled, and with that he stayed on maybe five seconds longer before letting himself be dragged into the cold lake water.


"Boys I have something for you." Dan's dad then handed them a six pack, watching as their faces lit up. Besides Ralph the boys had never had more than a sip of their parent's.

"Is this that root beer that looks like beer?" Charlie asked, examining it.

"No it's blue moon, my personal favorite. I told Daniel a few years back someday on the fourth I would let him drink. And I know that a lot of people your age sneak alcohol and use fake id's but I don't want y'all to do that. So please, just be safe." And with that he left, handing the pack to Dan.

He carefully pulled out a bottle, handing it to Charlie, and then Ralph, and then Kyle.


Umm sorry for actually not posting in like eighteen years. What happened was my phone broke and I had to go on wattpad on my laptop. Butttt I fucked yo my wrists so it hurts to type on computers so I haven't been able to write anything. My phones all good now though so everything should go back to normal.

Also this will have a part two to this chapter.

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