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Kyle only has two days left, and he feels like crying. This week has been the happiest he's ever been. He absolutely loves his mother. But Samuel is so different. It's like he's an older more out going version of himself. Sure he's irresponsible and childish, but that only makes Kyle love him more.

He rolls over softly, trying his hardest not to wake Dan. He's balled up on the sofa bed, softly snoring to himself. But as he finishes rolling over, he hears Dan mumble something.

"Kyle." His voice is quiet.

"Yeah." Kyle answers laying down, facing Dan.

"You're cute." He smiles, the two faces' so close to each other. So close that Dan can feel the breath when Kyle laughs.

"I'm not even kidding." Dan hasn't opened his eyes yet.

"Shut up." Kyle grins feeling his cheeks heat up. He can't accept a compliment to save his life. Before Dan it was only his family complimenting him. It feels nice to finally feel appreciated by someone.

"I remember when you first opened the door, I'm not gonna lie you literally blew me away." Dan laughs a little bit, thinking back. It was the first time he ever had felt something for someone.

"You're lying." Kyle says listening as Dan laughs softly.

"Why do you think I ran away so fast? It freaked me out, I was embarrassed I would embarrass myself." With this Kyle can't help but laugh. He's always thought of Dan as way cooler than himself.



"I really like you. Is that bad?" He feels like he's in love. But growing up everyone had always said that only adults can be in love.

"I don't think so." Dan feels as his heart beats faster. Kyle's one of the only people who make him feel anxious and nervous and excited all at the same time.

"I like you a lot too. You're pretty cool." Dan smiles, softly taking Kyle's hand. It's soft and perfect just like Kyle.

"Dan, will you still like me once we're at school. You'll have all your friends and the girls will be there. I'll just be another face in the crowd." Kyle can't help but voice his concerns. It's plaguing his mind for weeks now.

"Do you really think I would do that to you? You'll come to realize that RidgeWood has little to nothing to offer. You're different, and that's what I like. I'd never purposefully hurt you."

Dan then connects their mouths and kisses him softly. When they pull away both boys' hearts are full and neither can wipe the smile off their faces. These are the moments they want to last forever. These moments make all the bad things seem small.

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